veritrans / SNAP-whmcs

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Masalah Pada Module Pada Saat Selesai Melakukan Pembayaran [PENTING] #21

Open withfabian opened 1 week ago

withfabian commented 1 week ago


Saya Menggunakan WHMCS Versi 8.3 Dan PHP Versi 7.4 Sesuai Requirements Dari WHMCS Dan Module Ini

Pada Saat Saya Melakukan Pembayaran, Muncul Error Dibawah Ini

Midtrans payment module encountered unexpected error when requesting to Snap API. Error message:Midtrans Error (400): {"error_messages":["transaction_details.order_id has already been taken"]} | Request url:

Di Invoice, Tolong Segera Perbaiki, karena Ini akan menimbulkan masalah yang besar bagi pengguna lain. Saya Melihat Sesuai Screenshoot dibawah ini


Bahwa Module Ini Support WHMCS Versi 8 Ke Atas, Dan Versi PHP 5 Ke Atas Lalu MYSQL Versi Ke Atas Sesuai yang Di Screenshot yang Saya Kirimkan, Tapi Masih Saja Muncul Error

Midtrans payment module encountered unexpected error when requesting to Snap API. Error message:Midtrans Error (400): {"error_messages":["transaction_details.order_id has already been taken"]} | Request url:

Pada Saat Selesai Membayar atau selesai melakukan Pembayaran Dan Berhasil Tapi malah Muncul Error Seperti Di Atas,Bagaimana Cara Memperbaikinya Dan Tolong Bantu Saya Karena Ini Sangan Penting Dalam Pekerjaan Saya


I use WHMCS version 8.3 and PHP version 7.4 according to the requirements of WHMCS and this module

When I made a payment, the error below appeared

Midtrans payment module encountered unexpected error when requesting to Snap API. Error message:Midtrans Error (400): {"error_messages":["transaction_details.order_id has already been taken"]} | Request url:

In Invoice, Please Fix It Immediately, because This will cause big problems for other users. I saw the screenshot below


That this module supports WHMCS version 8 and above, and PHP version 5 and above, then MYSQL version and above according to the screenshot I sent, but the error still appears

Midtrans payment module encountered unexpected error when requesting to Snap API. Error message:Midtrans Error (400): {"error_messages":["transaction_details.order_id has already been taken"]} | Request url:

When you have finished paying or finished making a payment and it was successful, but an error appears like the one above. How do I fix it? And please help me because this is very important in my work.

Please HELP ME