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Configuring Payment Channels #89

Closed mshenoy83 closed 6 years ago

mshenoy83 commented 6 years ago

There is absolutely no documentation on configuring payment channels using Snap Api.

rizdaprasetya commented 6 years ago

Hi @mshenoy83

Thanks for asking, you can try to take a look at:

Or enabled_payments part here:

Or is it something else you are trying to look for?


mshenoy83 commented 6 years ago

Hi @rizdaprasetya support team came back to me on this, to enable payment channels. But it would be helpful if the process is documented, I spent a while debugging because I thought I hadn't sent the right data to the snap function.

rizdaprasetya commented 6 years ago

We do have documentation for which payment channels you would like to enable:

But if you mean is configuring payment channels arrangement, yes we haven't document it yet, but it's already available on the dashboard setting menu.

Thanks for suggesting.

mshenoy83 commented 6 years ago

@rizdaprasetya Yes, I did send that data to the api and the response I got was payment channel was not enabled. It was only after I raised a ticket that support enabled it and I started recieving the right response.

Paxa commented 6 years ago

Make sense. Currently need to contact support for every change in payment channel settings.

@rizdaprasetya, any plans to add this feature in dashboard?

rizdaprasetya commented 6 years ago

@mshenoy83 I see now, the case is your sandbox account payment channels didn't properly get activated when you're signing up. What we did is re-activating those channels. We didn't get your question because you we're mentioning:

There is absolutely no documentation on configuring payment channels using Snap Api.

Actually the doc & feature are correct, but unfortunately your account is not activated at that moment. If you were asking: "Why can't I see any enabled payment channels on my payment page" and/or attach a screenshot that would help us understand better. Sorry for the misunderstanding. We always suggest to ask for support via email so we can avoid these kind of misunderstanding.


@Paxa The payment channel selection feature is available both on Dashboard (for Snap) & via API payload (for Core Api & Snap). This one case is exception, where someone signed up for dashboard account, but sandbox account payment channel didn't properly generated/populated (job didn't triggered, or job stopped), so he got 0 payment channel activated. So regardless of feature above, the user will seems to get no payment enabled. Dashboard Team will need to re-trigger the job for the account. We've let the team know about these kind of cases.