veritus / veritus-web

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Minimum viable product #35

Open AriHrannar opened 7 years ago

AriHrannar commented 7 years ago

Features that I can see in the MVP

Other features

Ragnar-H commented 7 years ago

I'd like to add Search to the MVP.

I know it is complicated, but it is a crucial feature to have IMO

AriHrannar commented 7 years ago


Maybe we can do something like the tag based search (drill down) we did with django-haystack and elasticsearch. Thats a bit more overhead though but very cool and useful.

Ragnar-H commented 7 years ago

it'd be great to mark which one of these are Admin actions and User actions.

I'll mark up some of what I think. @AriHrannar @Jarngreipr I'd love some input on that

skabbi commented 7 years ago

I've been looking over this the project and I have some questions about the vision. E.g.

Who is thought of as the main user base? Is it average users that just want to check some promises quickly, more "hardcore" users who like to discuss the minor details of politics or the political parties as a way to promote themselves.

Who will be the Admins? Will it be just you or will representatives from the parties be allowed to be admins?

As part of this MVP you mention signup and login, and in the backend issue Add Íslykill authentication @AriHrannar talks about possible spammers. But I don't see any thing in this MVP that allows users anything except view data, so why is login necessary except for admins?

AriHrannar commented 7 years ago

I would say the user base is most people who have an interest in politics. Whether you have decided or not, I think its interesting to be able to see who has kept their promises and who has not.

I guess that could range from "checking the platform just before the election to see who has promised what and what their track record is" to "checking it every month to see the progress".

I think we would have to start as admins, but I have thought about maybe contacting some journalists that I know and see if they are interested in working with us. I could see value for them to participate in making this good as it could make for some interesting news. " X has not been doing as promised", stuff like that.

Maybe later, if the politicians / parties are interested, we will allow them to manage their own promises instead of having them user inputted. But I dont expect that to happen until / if this gets some traction.