verivital / vnncomp2024

Verification of Neural Networks Competition Main Repository (VNN-COMP'24)
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Tool Submission Discussion #3

Open ttj opened 2 months ago

ttj commented 2 months ago

We will update this soon after finishing the AWS set up on the submission system, but posting now to help ensure people getting started with tool preparation (copied from last iteration) @ChristopherBrix

At this point, you should be updating your tool in order to support quickly verifying as many benchmarks as you can. Note that the benchmarks instances will change based on a new random seed for the final evaluation. We will follow a similar workflow to last year, where tool authors provide shell scripts to install their tool, prepare instances (convert models to a different format, for example), and then finally verify an instance. The detailed instructions for this are available at 2021's git repo.

You will be able to run and debug your toolkit on the submitted benchmarks online at this link. There, you first need to register. Your registration will be manually activated by the organizers, you'll receive a notification once that's done. Afterwards, you can login and start with your first submission.

The process is similar to the submission of benchmarks, with a small change compared to last year: You need to specify a public git URL and commit hash, as well as the location of a .yaml config file. There, you can specify parameters for your toolkit evaluation. By making those settings part of the repository, those will be preserved for future reference. You can define a post installation script to set up any licenses.

Once submitted, you're placed in a queue until the chosen AWS instance can be created, at which point your installation and evaluation scripts will be run. You'll see the output of each step and can abort the evaluation early in case there are any issues. Once a submission has terminated, you can use it to populate the submission form for the next iteration, so you don't have to retype everything.

Important: We currently have no limitation on how often you can submit your tool for testing purposes, but will monitor the usage closely and may impose limits if necessary. Please be mindful of the costs (approx. 3$ per hour) each submission incurs. To save costs, you should debug your code locally and then use the website to confirm the results match your expectations.

We strongly encourage tool participants to at least register and have some test submissions on the toolkit website well ahead of the deadline.

mldiego commented 2 months ago

Is the submission system open yet?

mldiego commented 2 months ago

Do our accounts from last year still work? If not, can I get my account activated?


aliabigdeli commented 2 months ago

@ttj @ChristopherBrix My last year account is not activated any more. Could you activate my account?


hodangkhoinguyen commented 2 months ago

Please activate account when you have a chance. I'm affiliated with NeuralSAT - GMU. Thanks so much.

shizhouxing commented 2 months ago

Same here. zshi at

toladnertum commented 2 months ago

Same here:

kollerlukas commented 2 months ago

Same here:

mldiego commented 2 months ago

Will the submission deadline be pushed back?

Can we get this AMI added to the submission system? @ChristopherBrix

R2024a matlab_linux ami-080fce32dc8c15ced [Copied ami-0b5d9d19591951eb7 from us-east-1] OwnerAlias: – Platform: Other Linux Architecture: x86_64 Owner: 704708324783 Publish date: 2024-04-25 Root device type: ebs Virtualization: hvm ENA enabled: Yes

ttj commented 1 month ago

As we were a bit behind getting the execution system going (some AWS issues needed to be sorted out), we will extend the deadline to July 12. Barring any further AWS issues that hopefully are about resolved, I don't anticipate further extensions, as we need some time to execute and prepare prior to the conference presentation on July 23.

phK3 commented 1 month ago

Can you please activate ?

aliabigdeli commented 1 month ago

Can you please activate ?

ChristopherBrix commented 1 month ago

Tool submission is open! Please try to submit your tools. If you encounter any issues, feel free to ping me here, or write me an email ( Currently, AWS has only granted us limited resources, so if you pick the p3 or g5 instance, you might have to wait a bit in the queue before your submission is evaluated. If you just want to make sure that your installation works as intended, and don't care about the runtime performance yet, please use m5 instances right now, we have more capacity there. I'm working with AWS to resolve this, and will post an update once it's done. I've enabled all accounts.

ChristopherBrix commented 1 month ago

@mldiego I've added ami-080fce32dc8c15ced to the list of supported amis.

shizhouxing commented 1 month ago

Hi @ChristopherBrix , could you please also add the standard ubuntu 24.04? It's ami-04a81a99f5ec58529. Thanks!

ChristopherBrix commented 1 month ago

@shizhouxing I've added ami-0aff18ec83b712f05, that should be the us-west-2 equivalent. Let me know if you need a different one.

Jubengo commented 1 month ago

I ran into an error earlier which I think is a bug on the server side (submission 71): I tried to test single networks on acas, the first and third network path were ok (e.g. vnncomp2024_benchmarks/benchmarks/acasxu_2023/onnx/ACASXU_run2a_1_1_batch_2000.onnx ) but the second one was not ok: vnncomp2024_benchmarks/benchmarks/acasxu_2023/nx/ACASXU_run2a_5_6_batch_2000.onnx I think my prepare_instance script is ok and I also think that the path in the instances.csv is ok

ChristopherBrix commented 1 month ago

You can now have a fixed MAC address! This might help with licensing issues.

In your new "Profile" page, you can find an "eni" code. This is used to assign a static MAC address to your AWS instance. If you share your eni code with collaborators, they can use the same MAC address for their submissions, too.

Please let me know if you encounter any issues!

@Jubengo I'll look into that.

mldiego commented 1 month ago

Setting a fixed MAC address did not work for me. I got the following error during the initialization phase: Error loading logs, connection timed out.

Submission IDs: 101 and 102


ChristopherBrix commented 1 month ago

@mldiego This is fixed, ENIs should now no longer cause the submission to get stuck.

ChristopherBrix commented 1 month ago

@Jubengo I'm afraid this seems to be a bug in your code, or a very weird interaction between your scripts and mine. If I remove the call to pyrat.pyc from your script, the model paths are all correct (but of course, your tool is not executed). If I include the call, the onnx paths are all messed up. I'm not really sure how to debug this. Do you set any specific environment variables inside your tool? Feel free to reach out to me via email to discuss this further:

ChristopherBrix commented 1 month ago

If you encounter issues with your tool that you need to debug, you can now choose to pause the pipeline after the post-installation script was run. This can be selected in the submission form. Use the post-installation script to append your public ssh key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. Do not replace its content, otherwise the server won't be able to connect any longer, and instance will be terminated. After the post-installation script was run, the pause will prevent the pipeline from continuing. You can then ssh into the machine using ssh ubuntu@IP and the IP you see at the top of your submission details page. Please note that the instance will be terminated automatically after 4 hours.

ChristopherBrix commented 1 month ago

I just switched over to a different AWS account. This caused all ENIs (and the associated MAC addresses) to change, so if you used them for your licenses, you'll have to update them one more time. From now on, I don't anticipate further changes to this. On the bright side, this solved our quota issues, and we now have enough instances of all three types available to keep the queue short.

shizhouxing commented 1 month ago

@ChristopherBrix It looks like "Yaml Config File, relative to repository root" cannot be loaded from a private repository with a personal access token? The submission site is trying to open it using a URL instead of cloning the repository first.

ChristopherBrix commented 1 month ago

We were able to debug this. For anyone else encountering issues: Please make sure the URL you specify doesn't end in .git.

Jubengo commented 1 month ago

Hi, @ChristopherBrix I can't get past the initialisation phase with theami-0280f3286512b1b99: Deep Learning AMI and it does not seem to be from my side (or to work if I retry). Could you look at this ?

ChristopherBrix commented 1 month ago

@Jubengo Please try again. The problem is that this instance type spends a lot of time doing some background updates. I've tried to detect that and wait until they're done, but it's not foolproof. I've updated the scripts, hopefully this reduces this problem enough to make it usable.