Open longzeyilang opened 3 months ago
`import torch import torch.nn.functional as F
from modules.dataset.megadepth import megadepth_warper
from import utils
from third_party.alike_wrapper import extract_alike_kpts
from modules.model_small import UNFLOD_WS
def dual_softmax_loss(X, Y, temp = 0.2): if X.size() != Y.size() or X.dim() != 2 or Y.dim() != 2: raise RuntimeError('Error: X and Y shapes must match and be 2D matrices')
dist_mat = (X @ Y.t()) * temp
conf_matrix12 = F.log_softmax(dist_mat, dim=1)
conf_matrix21 = F.log_softmax(dist_mat.t(), dim=1)
with torch.no_grad():
conf12 = torch.exp( conf_matrix12 ).max(dim=-1)[0]
conf21 = torch.exp( conf_matrix21 ).max(dim=-1)[0]
conf = conf12 * conf21
target = torch.arange(len(X), device = X.device)
loss = F.nll_loss(conf_matrix12, target) + \
F.nll_loss(conf_matrix21, target)
return loss, conf
def smooth_l1_loss(input, target, beta=2.0, size_average=True): diff = torch.abs(input - target) loss = torch.where(diff < beta, 0.5 * diff * 2 / beta, diff - 0.5 beta) return loss.mean() if size_average else loss.sum()
def fine_loss(f1, f2, pts1, pts2, fine_module, ws=7): ''' Compute Fine features and spatial loss ''' C, H, W = f1.shape N = len(pts1)
#Sort random offsets
with torch.no_grad():
a = -(ws//2)
b = (ws//2)
offset_gt = (a - b) * torch.rand(N, 2, device = f1.device) + b
pts2_random = pts2 + offset_gt
patches1 = utils.crop_patches(f1.unsqueeze(0), (pts1+0.5).long(), size=ws).view(C, N, ws * ws).permute(1, 2, 0) #[N, ws*ws, C]
patches2 = utils.crop_patches(f2.unsqueeze(0), (pts2_random+0.5).long(), size=ws).view(C, N, ws * ws).permute(1, 2, 0) #[N, ws*ws, C]
#Apply transformer
patches1, patches2 = fine_module(patches1, patches2)
features = patches1.view(N, ws, ws, C)[:, ws//2, ws//2, :].view(N, 1, 1, C) # [N, 1, 1, C]
patches2 = patches2.view(N, ws, ws, C) # [N, w, w, C]
#Dot Product
heatmap_match = (features * patches2).sum(-1)
offset_coords = utils.subpix_softmax2d(heatmap_match)
#Invert offset because center crop inverts it
offset_gt = -offset_gt
error = ((offset_coords - offset_gt)**2).sum(-1).mean()
return error
def alike_distill_loss(kpts, img): C, H, W = kpts.shape kpts = kpts.permute(1,2,0) img = img.permute(1,2,0).expand(-1,-1,3).cpu().numpy() * 255
with torch.no_grad():
alike_kpts = torch.tensor(extract_alike_kpts(img), device=kpts.device)
labels = torch.ones((H, W), dtype = torch.long, device = kpts.device) * UNFLOD_WS*UNFLOD_WS # -> Default is non-keypoint (bin 64)
offsets = (((alike_kpts/UNFLOD_WS) - (alike_kpts/UNFLOD_WS).long())*UNFLOD_WS).long()
offsets = offsets[:, 0] + UNFLOD_WS*offsets[:, 1] # Linear IDX
labels[(alike_kpts[:,1]/UNFLOD_WS).long(), (alike_kpts[:,0]/UNFLOD_WS).long()] = offsets
kpts = kpts.view(-1,C)
labels = labels.view(-1)
mask = labels < UNFLOD_WS*UNFLOD_WS
idxs_pos = mask.nonzero().flatten()
idxs_neg = (~mask).nonzero().flatten()
perm = torch.randperm(idxs_neg.size(0))[:len(idxs_pos)//32]
idxs_neg = idxs_neg[perm]
idxs =[idxs_pos, idxs_neg])
kpts = kpts[idxs]
labels = labels[idxs]
with torch.no_grad():
predicted = kpts.max(dim=-1)[1]
acc = (labels == predicted)
acc = acc.sum() / len(acc)
kpts = F.log_softmax(kpts)
loss = F.nll_loss(kpts, labels, reduction = 'mean')
return loss, acc
def keypoint_position_loss(kpts1, kpts2, pts1, pts2, softmax_temp = 1.0): ''' Computes coordinate classification loss, by re-interpreting the 64 bins to 8x8 grid and optimizing for correct offsets ''' C, H, W = kpts1.shape kpts1 = kpts1.permute(1,2,0) softmax_temp kpts2 = kpts2.permute(1,2,0) softmax_temp
with torch.no_grad():
#Generate meshgrid
x, y = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(W, device=kpts1.device), torch.arange(H, device=kpts1.device), indexing ='xy')
xy =[x.unsqueeze(-1), y.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1)
#Generate collision map
hashmap = torch.ones((H*UNFLOD_WS, W*UNFLOD_WS, 2), dtype = torch.long, device = kpts1.device) * -1
hashmap[(pts1[:,1]).long(), (pts1[:,0]).long(), :] = (pts2).long()
#Estimate offset of src kpts
_, kpts1_offsets = kpts1.max(dim=-1)
kpts1_offsets_x = kpts1_offsets % UNFLOD_WS
kpts1_offsets_y = kpts1_offsets // UNFLOD_WS
kpts1_offsets_xy =[kpts1_offsets_x.unsqueeze(-1),
kpts1_offsets_y.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1)
kpts1_coords = xy + kpts1_offsets_xy
#find src -> tgt pts
kpts1_coords = kpts1_coords.view(-1,2)
gt_12 = hashmap[kpts1_coords[:,1], kpts1_coords[:,0]]
mask_valid = torch.all(gt_12 >= 0, dim=-1)
gt_12 = gt_12[mask_valid]
#find offset labels
labels2 = (gt_12/UNFLOD_WS) - (gt_12/UNFLOD_WS).long()
labels2 = (labels2 * UNFLOD_WS).long()
labels2 = labels2[:, 0] + UNFLOD_WS*labels2[:, 1] #linear index
kpts2_selected = kpts2[(gt_12[:, 1]/UNFLOD_WS).long(), (gt_12[:, 0]/UNFLOD_WS).long()]
kpts1_selected = F.log_softmax(kpts1.view(-1,C)[mask_valid], dim=-1)
kpts2_selected = F.log_softmax(kpts2_selected, dim=-1)
#Here we enforce softmax to keep current max on src kps
with torch.no_grad():
_, labels1 = kpts1_selected.max(dim=-1)
predicted2 = kpts2_selected.max(dim=-1)[1]
acc = (labels2 == predicted2)
acc = acc.sum() / len(acc)
loss = F.nll_loss(kpts1_selected, labels1, reduction = 'mean') + \
F.nll_loss(kpts2_selected, labels2, reduction = 'mean')
return loss, acc
def coordinate_classification_loss(coords1, pts1, pts2, conf): ''' Computes the fine coordinate classification loss, by re-interpreting the 64 bins to 8x8 grid and optimizing for correct offsets after warp '''
with torch.no_grad():
coords1_detached = pts1 * UNFLOD_WS
#find offset
offsets1_detached = (coords1_detached/UNFLOD_WS) - (coords1_detached/UNFLOD_WS).long()
offsets1_detached = (offsets1_detached * UNFLOD_WS).long()
labels1 = offsets1_detached[:, 0] + UNFLOD_WS*offsets1_detached[:, 1]
coords1_log = F.log_softmax(coords1, dim=-1)
predicted = coords1.max(dim=-1)[1]
acc = (labels1 == predicted)
acc = acc[conf > 0.1]
acc = acc.sum() / len(acc)
loss = F.nll_loss(coords1_log, labels1, reduction = 'none')
#Weight loss by confidence, giving more emphasis on reliable matches
conf = conf / conf.sum()
loss = (loss * conf).sum()
return loss * 2., acc
def keypoint_loss(heatmap, target):
L1_loss = F.l1_loss(heatmap, target)
return L1_loss * 3.0
def hard_triplet_loss(X,Y, margin = 0.5):
if X.size() != Y.size() or X.dim() != 2 or Y.dim() != 2:
raise RuntimeError('Error: X and Y shapes must match and be 2D matrices')
dist_mat = torch.cdist(X, Y, p=2.0)
dist_pos = torch.diag(dist_mat)
dist_neg = dist_mat + 100.*torch.eye(*dist_mat.size(), dtype = dist_mat.dtype,
device = dist_mat.get_device() if dist_mat.is_cuda else torch.device("cpu"))
#filter repeated patches on negative distances to avoid weird stuff on gradients
dist_neg = dist_neg + dist_neg.le(0.01).float()*100.
#Margin Ranking Loss
hard_neg = torch.min(dist_neg, 1)[0]
loss = torch.clamp(margin + dist_pos - hard_neg, min=0.)
return loss.mean()
` the loss file and UNFLOD_WS=2, please check
Hi @longzeyilang,
After a quick review, it seems your updates are in theory correct, the only problem I see is that a 2x2 patch provides too little context for the keypoint head to be effective.
What kind of issues are you experiencing?
HI, I trained my own data. image size about 128*128, and change model` self.block1 = nn.Sequential( BasicLayer( 1, 8, stride=1), BasicLayer( 8, 24, stride=1), BasicLayer( 24, 64, stride=1), ) self.block2 = nn.Sequential( BasicLayer(64, 64, stride=2), BasicLayer(64, 64, stride=1), BasicLayer(64, 64, stride=1), )
and forward change as follow:
def forward(self, x): """ input: x -> torch.Tensor(B, C, H, W) grayscale or rgb images return: feats -> torch.Tensor(B, 64, H/8, W/8) dense local features keypoints -> torch.Tensor(B, 65, H/8, W/8) keypoint logit map heatmap -> torch.Tensor(B, 1, H/8, W/8) reliability mapthe unflod2d ws change to 2, how to revise keypoint_head ? and how to revise thank you