vermaden / automount

Simple devd(8) based automounter for FreeBSD
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Consider adding a loopmount script #34

Open probonopd opened 2 years ago

probonopd commented 2 years ago

Let's make loop-mouning filesystem images (like ISO files and hard disk images) easier.

Consider adding a loopmount script that would allow all filesystems in a given image file to be mounted with automount.

Something along these lines:


if [ ! -f "${IMAGE}" ] ; then
  echo "${IMAGE} does not exist"
  exit 1

md=$(sudo -A -E mdconfig -a -t vnode -o readonly -f "${IMAGE}")
for DEVICE in $(ls "/dev/${md}" "/dev/${md}p"* "/dev/${md}s"* 2>/dev/null) ; do
  echo sudo -A -E /usr/local/sbin/automount $(echo "${DEVICE}" | sed -e 's|/dev/||g') attach
  sudo -A -E /usr/local/sbin/automount $(echo "${DEVICE}" | sed -e 's|/dev/||g') attach

# TODO: Sleep until all partitions have been unmounted, then
# mdconfig -d -u ${md}

What do you think?

vermaden commented 2 years ago

I already have script for that - here:

probonopd commented 2 years ago

Looks like it assumes ISO9660 all the time? The disk images I mean can have multiple parititions with various filesystems.

vermaden commented 2 years ago

What use case do you see here?

I have that random file here that maybe has some filesystem or image on it and lets try to guess-mount it and see what is in there? :)

probonopd commented 2 years ago

Indeed. I use disk images (also ones having a partition table and multiple partitions) for many uses all the time.

vermaden commented 2 years ago

I have a semi automatic- but very production ready solution :)

First use mine script to map that FILE into a DEVICE - like /dev/md0 - for example:

Then in the file /usr/local/etc/devd/automount_devd.conf file:

Change that:

notify 100 {
        match "system" "DEVFS";
        match "type" "CREATE";
        match "cdev" "(da|mmcsd|ugen)[0-9]+.*";
        action "/usr/local/sbin/automount $cdev attach &";

notify 100 {
        match "system" "DEVFS";
        match "type" "DESTROY";
        match "cdev" "(da|mmcsd|ugen)[0-9]+.*";
        action "/usr/local/sbin/automount $cdev detach &";

Into that:

notify 100 {
        match "system" "DEVFS";
        match "type" "CREATE";
        match "cdev" "(md|da|mmcsd|ugen)[0-9]+.*";
        action "/usr/local/sbin/automount $cdev attach &";

notify 100 {
        match "system" "DEVFS";
        match "type" "DESTROY";
        match "cdev" "(md|da|mmcsd|ugen)[0-9]+.*";
        action "/usr/local/sbin/automount $cdev detach &";

And restart devd(8) daemon.

That should make automount(8) to also automount the **/dev/md*** devices.

probonopd commented 2 years ago

Hi @vermaden, this is a very elegant solution indeed. However, I am getting

2021-11-10 21:32:06 /dev/md1: attach
2021-11-10 21:32:06 /dev/md1p2: attach
2021-11-10 21:32:06 /dev/md1p2: filesystem not supported or no filesystem
2021-11-10 21:32:06 /dev/md1p1: filesystem not supported or no filesystem
2021-11-10 21:32:06 /dev/md1: filesystem not supported or no filesystem


FreeBSD% dd if=/dev/md1 of=/tmp/md1 bs=1M count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1048576 bytes transferred in 0.001204 secs (871149069 bytes/sec)

FreeBSD% file /tmp/md1
/tmp/md1: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data (DOS/MBR boot sector) 'ISOLBL' (bootable)

FreeBSD% mount -o ro -t cd9660  /dev/md1 /mnt

FreeBSD% ls /mnt
boot    chroot  dev     etc     rescue

FreeBSD% umount /mnt
vermaden commented 2 years ago

You need to also add 'md' to the 'CD' section in the /usr/local/etc/devd/automount_devd.conf file.

probonopd commented 2 years ago

Now I have

notify 100 {
        match "system" "DEVFS";
        match "type" "CREATE";
        match "cdev" "(md|da|mmcsd|ugen)[0-9]+.*";
        action "/usr/local/sbin/automount $cdev attach &";

notify 100 {
        match "system" "DEVFS";
        match "type" "DESTROY";
        match "cdev" "(md|da|mmcsd|ugen)[0-9]+.*";
        action "/usr/local/sbin/automount $cdev detach &";

# CD-ROM media inject
notify 100 {
        match "system" "DEVFS";
        match "type" "CREATE|MEDIACHANGE";
        match "cdev" "(md|cd)[0-9]+.*";
        action "/usr/local/sbin/automount $cdev attach &";

# CD-ROM media eject
notify 100 {
        match "system" "DEVFS";
        match "type" "DESTROY";
        match "cdev" "(md|cd)[0-9]+.*";
        action "/usr/local/sbin/automount $cdev detach &";

# CD-ROM no media
notify 100 {
        match "system" "CAM";
        match "subsystem" "periph";
        match "type" "error";
        match "cam_status" "0xcc";
        match "scsi_status" "2";
        match "scsi_sense" "70 02 3a 02";
        match "device" "(cd)[0-9]+.*";
        action "/usr/local/sbin/automount $device detach &";

but with the same result.

probonopd commented 2 years ago

Your solution is way more elegant. Is it actually working for you?

probonopd commented 2 years ago

I think the devd rule is working, because /usr/sbin/automount gets invoked when I create a md device.

What is not working is that /usr/sbin/automount thinks the filesystem is not supported or there is no filesystem, even though it can be mounted perfectly fine by hand. Maybe it is because -o ro is needed?

% sudo /usr/local/sbin/automount md1.uzip attach

% cat /var/log/automount.log
/dev/md1.uzip: attach
/dev/md1.uzip: filesystem not supported or no filesystem
vermaden commented 2 years ago

Added UZIP support to automount(8).


The devd(8) additional configs.

probonopd commented 2 years ago

This is more than awesome @vermaden! :+1: Thank you very, very much for this extremely useful tool. It will be front and center in helloSystem, because we will use disk images a lot.

probonopd commented 2 years ago

Now, in order for the disk images to be attached to mdX nodes, and for those mdX nodes to be destroyed after the user has unmounted all the partitions on the image, this is my current line of thinking -- do you have a better idea?

vermaden commented 2 years ago

The check would fail.


mount | grep -e "^$md on" || break

Will not match these:

/dev/md0 on /mnt/tmp1 (msdosfs, local)
/dev/md0s1 on /mnt/tmp2 (msdosfs, local)
/dev/md0p1 on /mnt/tmp3 (msdosfs, local)
probonopd commented 2 years ago

Yes, that is what the FIXME comment was alluding to.

Anyhow, I think this should do it:

mount | grep "^\/dev\/$md[s|p|\.|\ ].*on" || break

Complete script:

Will go with that and test drive it on helloSystem for a while. If everything goes well and once it is tested properly, would you consider a pull request?