vermaseren / form

The FORM project for symbolic manipulation of very big expressions
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Add file for user-contributed tests #505

Closed jodavies closed 1 month ago

jodavies commented 1 month ago

Collect tests which don't fit in "examples", "features" or "fixes" categories.

These should be fast-running, so they can run as part of the CI.

jodavies commented 1 month ago

At the workshop I would like to persuade people to contribute tests for the FORM CI. This adds a place to collect these. Anything that a user feels is a bit of a "clever" hack for performance, uses "uncommon" features etc, is a good candidate for a test.

So far I added a polyratfun test of my own, and something from @tueda .

coveralls commented 1 month ago

Coverage Status

coverage: 49.483% (+0.7%) from 48.788% when pulling dc32a4ee9e2506c610e33f86cf69d383669fe8ed on jodavies:user-tests into 74735f57a7351e5c790648f2332d06c164d701d0 on vermaseren:master.

tueda commented 1 month ago

If I understand correctly, this aims to enhance the variety of regression tests and the code coverage, am I correct? If this is the case, I guess the failure (memory leak) in JD_denexpand was unexpected.

Assuming user-contributed tests will be submitted via GitHub, we might use GitHub account names as prefixes prepended to test names, i.e., jodavies/tueda instead of JD/TU, to ensure uniqueness.

jodavies commented 1 month ago

Yes exactly, the more tests we have the more likely we catch bugs or possible side effects of bug fixes.

Do you think it is better for every test fold to be self-contained, or shall we introduce an include dir under check to keep procedures etc, to clean up the test code?

Indeed this memory leak was unexpected, I am trying to work out what happens there.

tueda commented 1 month ago

In general, I think keeping each test self-contained would be good (which means it can be easily run outside check.rb), but on the other hand frequently used procedures could be put as "standard" testing library (then check.rb must handle its path).

What kind of procedures do you consider?

jodavies commented 1 month ago

I paste in some procedures that I use commonly, for eg in the denexpand test. If these end up being called in more than one test, it would be better to have them in a file which can be included within the test environment.

tueda commented 1 month ago

Indeed, the following code seems to work:

*--#[ tueda_include_test1 :
#include user.frm # tueda_include_test2
assert succeeded?
*--#] tueda_include_test1 :
*--#[ tueda_include_test2 :
#message Hello world!
*--#] tueda_include_test2 :


./check/check.rb tueda_include_test1 -v


form -I check -D TEST=tueda_include_test1 check/user.frm

So, you can use an extra fold as a library containing procedures etc.

tueda commented 1 month ago

So, ready to merge?

(Perhaps, after the merge, the README file in the check directory should be updated.)

jodavies commented 1 month ago

Yes, I would say so. #507 is somehow independent of the current tests in the file, and can be resolved (or not...) separately.

tueda commented 1 month ago

OK, after merging #522, I will merge this PR (hoping that the code coverage will increase a bit).