Closed vsht closed 2 weeks ago
At least in your example, the name of the expression is implied by the name of the file. Is this not the case in your real problem?
At least in your example, the name of the expression is implied by the name of the file. Is this not the case in your real problem?
Not really. The real file name is made is made of the diagram number, number of loops, topology name and integral number, as I'm splitting a single diagram with many loop integrals into files, where each file contains only one integral.
Unfortunately, something like s1dia6471L3Ttopology1555I900
is too long for a variable name. So I need to shorten it
significantly, but I want to have a shortening scheme that is independent of the file name. Hence the original problem.
If text-mode files are OK, this will be much easier to achieve with #write
How large are your expressions? Writing out hundreds of thousands of files would not be so nice...
For my own computations I have split things somewhat like this, but only at the level of topologies which appear in the expression. Then during further (parallel) processing of the parts, the terms are able to merge with each other. If you process each term completely independently, I could imagine you will have very large intermediate results which at some point must all be loaded and sorted together?
I know that #write would make things much easier. In principle, for this particular calculation this would probably work, but ideally I would still be interested in using binary files.
It's somewhat surprising that such a simple task doesn't seem to be achievable in an easy way within FORM.
If you can arrange that your expressions are all in dollar variables, you can do it like this:
#do i = 1,5
#$amp`i' = `i';
#do i = 1,5
#message store `i'
Global amp = $amp`i';
Save amp`i'.sav amp;
Delete storage;
This sounds like a great idea, many thanks!
Putting expressions into dollar variables doesn't seem to be a tricky task, right? This works out of the box and gives me exactly what I want
G amp1 = 1;
G amp2 = 2;
G amp3 = 3;
G amp4 = 4;
G amp5 = 5;
#do i=1,5
#$damp`i' = amp`i';
#do i=1,5
G samp = $damp`i';
save amp`i'.sav samp;
delete storage;
BTW, rather accidentally I noticed that writing (which is obviously wrong)
G samp = #$damp`i';
instead of
G samp = $damp`i';
makes FORM never terminate. Not sure if this should cause an error message or something.
If your expression is small enough to fit in $-variables (and thus in memory), then using a #do-loop is a handy way to split and save it:
S x1,...,x9;
G F = (x1+...+x9)^2;
#define i "0"
#do t=F
#redefine i "{`i'+1}"
#message store `i': `t'
G amp = `t';
Save amp`i'.sav,amp;
Delete storage;
Thanks for the code sample! In my case I'm actually sorting the integrals according to their topologies and ids, so a simple looping over all terms of an expression wouldn't do the trick for me.
However, I also noticed that when assigning expressions to dollar variables in a loop, the process slows down significantly after a couple of hundred iterations. In the case at hand I have around 1K integrals in an expression, that were previously split into 1K expressions each containing one integral and a simple prefactor.
I don't know if this is expected due to some caches getting full or perhaps my code is just not well written.
#do j=1,$topoPresent`i'
#do k=1,$topoIntegralCounter`i'
#message Putting s1dia`lsclDiaNumber'L`lsclNLoops'T`LSCLTOPOLOGY`i''I`k' into a dollar variable
unhide s1dia`lsclDiaNumber'L`lsclNLoops'T`LSCLTOPOLOGY`i''I`k';
#$ds1dia`lsclDiaNumber'L`lsclNLoops'T`LSCLTOPOLOGY`i''I`k' = s1dia`lsclDiaNumber'L`lsclNLoops'T`LSCLTOPOLOGY`i''I`k';
You should be able to do this in a single module with no sorts. As soon as your expressions exceed scratchsize
you are doing a large amount of unnecessary disk-to-disk copying. Maybe this is what is slowing things down after a few hundred iterations?
@jodavies You're right, mixing unhide and dollar variables in the same loop was a bad idea. This way everything goes through much faster:
#message lsclSplitAmplitude: Applying unhide
#do j=1,$topoPresent`i'
#do k=`LSCLSTARTWITHINTEGRALNO',$topoIntegralCounter`i'
unhide s1dia`lsclDiaNumber'L`lsclNLoops'T`LSCLTOPOLOGY`i''I`k';
#do j=1,$topoPresent`i'
#do k=`LSCLSTARTWITHINTEGRALNO',$topoIntegralCounter`i'
#message lsclSplitAmplitude: Putting s1dia`lsclDiaNumber'L`lsclNLoops'T`LSCLTOPOLOGY`i''I`k' into a dollar variable
#$ds1dia`lsclDiaNumber'L`lsclNLoops'T`LSCLTOPOLOGY`i''I`k' = s1dia`lsclDiaNumber'L`lsclNLoops'T`LSCLTOPOLOGY`i''I`k';
By the way,
BTW, rather accidentally I noticed that writing (which is obviously wrong)
G samp = #$damp`i';
instead of
G samp = $damp`i';
makes FORM never terminate.
seems to be fixed in 8923c77. (#
is the symbol used for complex conjugation.)
I have a long expression that I'd like to split into single terms, saving each of these terms into a separate file. The splitting itself is not an issue and I end up with multiple expressions that now need to be saved.
This works, but has a disadvantage that each file will contain a differently named global expression containing the term. Suppose that I load one of these .sav files but I don't know the name of that global expression in advance. Is there a way I could get it during the execution? Apparently, before I define some G, the loaded name will not appear in
so I'm a bit at lost here. For example hereIs there a way I could automatically figure out that the expression is called samp3?
Alternatively, I was trying to change my code in such a way, that each expression gets the same name. The naive way
obviously doesn't work, because I cannot overwrite a stored expression. However, if I add
delete storage;
, then the expressions I'm trying to save (amp1,amp2,...) will be deleted as well, so that won't work either.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers, Vlad