Closed vsht closed 1 week ago
I think this is the same deal as
The EndSort here: should be par=1.
Your example runs for me if I set this.
Thanks for looking into it.
In general, the factorization in FORM seems to be a bit tricky, in the sense that large expressions are quite likely to trigger either the maxtermsize error or some unknown bugs which require manual interaction.
Are there some general recommendations to avoid such issues? At least I already see that factorizing prefactors of masters in a really big amplitude at once is like explicitly asking for troubles.
Is it better to use argtoextrasymbol and process integral by integral? Or rather reorganize the calculation in a different way?
I am not sure I follow: if the coefficients fit in a term as polyratfun, surely the factorized versions fit also? Do you have a good example of what you mean?
I mean that it's difficult to estimate a value for maxtermsize that won't exceed the available RAM and make sure that all diagrams run through.
In practice, I often end up checking failing diagrams and then bumping maxtermsize until they also can be calculated. In many cases the expressions in question are not even properly factorizable, just some very longish numerators made out different variable combinations.
So it kind of requires a lot of micromanagement as compared to avoiding factorization in most steps.
Here you could perhaps get things a little smaller by not putting all symbols inside the prf and later pulling them out (last argument of lsclNumDenFactorize). Why not include those symbols in the bracketing in the first place?
Obviously I am not sure of the format of your expressions in general, but it looks like everything you want to have in num,den functions already are in them in the input. In this case the procedures could be simplified a bit, for eg I can reproduce your output (more quickly) with
#call numden2prf(lsclNum,lsclDen,lsclRat)
#call prf2numden(lsclRat,lsclNum,lsclDen)
which you can find for eg, here:
However things are coded, they should of course not cause crashes with no error... I will look for more places where EndSort is called with the wrong parameter.
Your expression generates a lsclNum
function which contains a factor with 11,527 terms. It fits in your large MaxTermSize
but when FORM sorts the final expression (with a par=0
) it wants to check the existence of a sort file here:
because 11,527 > SubTermsInSmall
and if par=0
the filehandle is not created (newout
is null).
Here is a simple test which causes (not exactly the same) crash. It crashes at an earlier EndSort
in ArgFactorize
, but for the same reason:
#: MaxTermSize 1M
CFunction f;
Symbol a,b,c,d,e;
* Generate a function arg with more than SubTermsInSmall (10K) terms:
Local test = f((a+b+c+d+e)^21);
FactArg f;
Presumably every EndSort
in ArgFactorize
needs to be par=1
. I will make a patch and test.
Would you say that there's a general recommendation not to make the numerator too large (>10K terms is large for FORM, I guess)?
That's something I could control with nterms_ to prevent such issues from happening in the first place?
Obviously I am not sure of the format of your expressions in general, but it looks like everything you want to have in num,den functions already are in them in the input. In this case the procedures could be simplified a bit, for eg I can reproduce your output (more quickly) with
I was trying to write something similar to Mathematica's Collect and Factor where I can factorize expressions that are already partially (or completely) factorized without generating errors.
Not particularly, provided your buffer settings allow for it. The behaviour you have here is a bug rather than your expression being too big. I always run FORM with larger-than-default sub*
buffer sizes which helps performance and works around many problems like the one here (your example runs fine, with my usual settings).
SubSmallSize 10M
SubSmallExtension 15M
SubTermsInSmall 500K
SubLargeSize 100M
SubLargePatches 512
SubFilePatches 512
SubSortIOSize 1M
I see, thanks. I think that in my case (and for my future calculations) it's easier to avoid running into such issues by using something like
repeat id `RAT'(lsclS1?,lsclS2?) = `HOLDNUM'(lsclS1,(nterms_(lsclS1)))*`HOLDDEN'(lsclS2,nterms_(lsclS2));
repeat id `HOLDNUM'(lsclS1?,lsclS2?{,<5000}) = `NUM'(lsclS1);
repeat id `HOLDDEN'(lsclS1?,lsclS2?{,<5000}) = `DEN'(lsclS1);
in lsclNumDenFactorize
and the alerting the user if the numerators/denominators start getting too big.
Big numerators are most likely signalling that the expression hasn't been collected w.r.t the right variables.
Even though this behavior is a bug, it got me to rethink my original strategy for factorizing the coefficients :)
Could you try this with your original code,, if you have more and larger amplitudes?
Could you try this with your original code,, if you have more and larger amplitudes?
Thanks, it works with my example. I need this calculation only at 1L, so there are currently no more complicated amplitudes where this issue could arise.
here's what I get with the latest repo snapshot when I try to factorize to the coefficients of the master integrals when assembling the final amplitude
Here are my procedures for the factorization
It looks like the code is crashing during collect, but the real problem actuall appears here
I'm a bit surprised that there are no error messages whatsoever, though.
Of course, it might also be that my procedures are not really well optimized...