Hey there! Thanks for your work on magithub! Just found it and so far it's been really helpful for better navigation and reading PR summaries without having to go to Github.
Wondering if you've considered incorporating any features that make conducting pull request code reviews locally a little easier? Right now, I'm using both magithub and magit-gh-pulls in tandem to accomplish most of what I'm trying to do, but overall magithub feels better from a navigation standpoint. There are a few of specific features I'm thinking of:
Viewing the commit list from an expanded pull request line
Selecting a commit range from this list and viewing the diff
Initiating a new note from a line in a PR diff that gets saved to the local PR notes file, and autopopulating the relative path to the file and the line number from the diff before the point
Sorry if any of those features already exist and I haven't found them, but if they don't already exist (and they're not science fiction), would you be interested in seeing features like this make their way into magithub?
Hey there! Thanks for your work on magithub! Just found it and so far it's been really helpful for better navigation and reading PR summaries without having to go to Github.
Wondering if you've considered incorporating any features that make conducting pull request code reviews locally a little easier? Right now, I'm using both magithub and magit-gh-pulls in tandem to accomplish most of what I'm trying to do, but overall magithub feels better from a navigation standpoint. There are a few of specific features I'm thinking of:
Sorry if any of those features already exist and I haven't found them, but if they don't already exist (and they're not science fiction), would you be interested in seeing features like this make their way into magithub?