vermiculus / magithub

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GNU General Public License v3.0
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"wrong-type-argument (or eieio-object class)" when trying to open issues #325

Closed jgmize closed 6 years ago

jgmize commented 6 years ago


On a fresh install of magithub in GNU Emacs 25.3.3 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0, Carbon Version 157 AppKit 1265.21) via I can see the list of issues and PRs, but when I try to open one I get an error.

Example backtrace

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument (or eieio-object class) [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-issue ((url . "") (repository_url . "") (labels_url . "{/name}") (comments_url . "") (events_url . "") (html_url . "") (id . 319472410) (number . 1) (title . "Initial deployment") (user (login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin)) (labels ((id . 920220316) (url . "") (name . "WIP") (color . "d4fc0c") (default))) (state . "open") (locked) (assignee (login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin)) (assignees ((login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin))) (milestone) (comments . 0) (created_at . "2018-05-02T09:09:56Z") (updated_at . "2018-05-02T09:12:36Z") (closed_at) (author_association . "OWNER") (body . "")) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 929 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 952 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 1155 in *magit: git-sync-operator> t nil nil nil nil nil [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-issues-list nil #<marker (moves after insertion) at 918 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 929 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 1156 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil [cl-struct-magit-section status nil #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1156 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ([cl-struct-magit-section branch "master" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 78 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 338 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #3 ([cl-struct-magit-section branch #("origin/master" 0 13 (face magit-branch-remote)) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 78 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 162 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section branch "origin/master" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 162 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 246 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-ci-status (magithub-ci-ref . "master") #<marker (moves after insertion) at 246 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 317 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 337 in *magit: git-sync-operator> t nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil])] [cl-struct-magit-section recent "HEAD~10..HEAD" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 338 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 353 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 918 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #3 ([cl-struct-magit-section commit "44d3f56" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 353 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 435 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "4cd8465" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 435 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 497 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "1f11e7e" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 497 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 549 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "dc52b95" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 549 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 584 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "8e478b1" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 584 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 649 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "403543d" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 649 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 679 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "f8b9fff" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 679 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 713 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "e8c73e9" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 713 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 778 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "4aa9318" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 778 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 845 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "11dda66" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 845 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 917 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil])] #2)] (#1)] ([cl-struct-magit-section magithub-note nil #<marker (moves after insertion) at 968 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 985 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #1 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-user ((login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin) (name . "Josh Mize") (company . "@mozilla") (blog . "") (location . "Tulsa, OK") (email) (hireable) (bio) (public_repos . 126) (public_gists . 20) (followers . 191) (following . 625) (created_at . "2009-12-04T04:19:59Z") (updated_at . "2018-05-04T16:25:50Z") (private_gists . 19) (total_private_repos . 0) (owned_private_repos . 0) (disk_usage . 3081647) (collaborators . 0) (two_factor_authentication . t) (plan (name . "free") (space . 976562499) (collaborators . 0) (private_repos . 0))) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1084 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1090 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #1 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-assignee ((login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin) (name . "Josh Mize") (company . "@mozilla") (blog . "") (location . "Tulsa, OK") (email) (hireable) (bio) (public_repos . 126) (public_gists . 20) (followers . 191) (following . 625) (created_at . "2009-12-04T04:19:59Z") (updated_at . "2018-05-04T16:25:50Z") (private_gists . 19) (total_private_repos . 0) (owned_private_repos . 0) (disk_usage . 3081647) (collaborators . 0) (two_factor_authentication . t) (plan (name . "free") (space . 976562499) (collaborators . 0) (private_repos . 0))) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1107 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1113 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #1 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-label ((id . 920220316) (url . "") (name . "WIP") (color . "d4fc0c") (default)) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1130 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1133 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #1 nil])] obj)
  signal(wrong-type-argument ((or eieio-object class) [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-issue ((url . "") (repository_url . "") (labels_url . "{/name}") (comments_url . "") (events_url . "") (html_url . "") (id . 319472410) (number . 1) (title . "Initial deployment") (user (login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin)) (labels ((id . 920220316) (url . "") (name . "WIP") (color . "d4fc0c") (default))) (state . "open") (locked) (assignee (login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin)) (assignees ((login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin))) (milestone) (comments . 0) (created_at . "2018-05-02T09:09:56Z") (updated_at . "2018-05-02T09:12:36Z") (closed_at) (author_association . "OWNER") (body . "")) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 929 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 952 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 1155 in *magit: git-sync-operator> t nil nil nil nil nil [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-issues-list nil #<marker (moves after insertion) at 918 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 929 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 1156 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil [cl-struct-magit-section status nil #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1156 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ([cl-struct-magit-section branch "master" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 78 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 338 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #3 ([cl-struct-magit-section branch #("origin/master" 0 13 ...) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 78 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 162 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section branch "origin/master" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 162 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 246 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-ci-status ... #<marker (moves after insertion) at 246 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 317 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 337 in *magit: git-sync-operator> t nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil])] [cl-struct-magit-section recent "HEAD~10..HEAD" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 338 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 353 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 918 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #3 ([cl-struct-magit-section commit "44d3f56" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 353 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 435 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "4cd8465" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 435 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 497 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "1f11e7e" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 497 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 549 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "dc52b95" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 549 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 584 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "8e478b1" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 584 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 649 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "403543d" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 649 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 679 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "f8b9fff" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 679 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 713 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "e8c73e9" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 713 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 778 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "4aa9318" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 778 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 845 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "11dda66" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 845 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 917 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #5 nil])] #2)] (#1)] ([cl-struct-magit-section magithub-note nil #<marker (moves after insertion) at 968 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 985 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #1 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-user ((login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin) (name . "Josh Mize") (company . "@mozilla") (blog . "") (location . "Tulsa, OK") (email) (hireable) (bio) (public_repos . 126) (public_gists . 20) (followers . 191) (following . 625) (created_at . "2009-12-04T04:19:59Z") (updated_at . "2018-05-04T16:25:50Z") (private_gists . 19) (total_private_repos . 0) (owned_private_repos . 0) (disk_usage . 3081647) (collaborators . 0) (two_factor_authentication . t) (plan (name . "free") (space . 976562499) (collaborators . 0) (private_repos . 0))) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1084 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1090 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #1 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-assignee ((login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin) (name . "Josh Mize") (company . "@mozilla") (blog . "") (location . "Tulsa, OK") (email) (hireable) (bio) (public_repos . 126) (public_gists . 20) (followers . 191) (following . 625) (created_at . "2009-12-04T04:19:59Z") (updated_at . "2018-05-04T16:25:50Z") (private_gists . 19) (total_private_repos . 0) (owned_private_repos . 0) (disk_usage . 3081647) (collaborators . 0) (two_factor_authentication . t) (plan (name . "free") (space . 976562499) (collaborators . 0) (private_repos . 0))) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1107 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1113 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #1 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-label ((id . 920220316) (url . "") (name . "WIP") (color . "d4fc0c") (default)) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1130 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1133 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #1 nil])] obj))
  eieio-oref([cl-struct-magit-section magithub-issue ((url . "") (repository_url . "") (labels_url . "{/name}") (comments_url . "") (events_url . "") (html_url . "") (id . 319472410) (number . 1) (title . "Initial deployment") (user (login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin)) (labels ((id . 920220316) (url . "") (name . "WIP") (color . "d4fc0c") (default))) (state . "open") (locked) (assignee (login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin)) (assignees ((login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin))) (milestone) (comments . 0) (created_at . "2018-05-02T09:09:56Z") (updated_at . "2018-05-02T09:12:36Z") (closed_at) (author_association . "OWNER") (body . "")) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 929 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 952 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 1155 in *magit: git-sync-operator> t nil nil nil nil nil [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-issues-list nil #<marker (moves after insertion) at 918 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 929 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 1156 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil [cl-struct-magit-section status nil #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1156 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ([cl-struct-magit-section branch "master" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 78 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 338 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #2 ([cl-struct-magit-section branch #("origin/master" 0 13 ...) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 78 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 162 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section branch "origin/master" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 162 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 246 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-ci-status (magithub-ci-ref . "master") #<marker (moves after insertion) at 246 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 317 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 337 in *magit: git-sync-operator> t nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil])] [cl-struct-magit-section recent "HEAD~10..HEAD" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 338 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 353 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 918 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #2 ([cl-struct-magit-section commit "44d3f56" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 353 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 435 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "4cd8465" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 435 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 497 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "1f11e7e" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 497 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 549 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "dc52b95" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 549 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 584 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "8e478b1" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 584 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 649 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "403543d" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 649 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 679 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "f8b9fff" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 679 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 713 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "e8c73e9" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 713 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 778 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "4aa9318" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 778 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 845 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "11dda66" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 845 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 917 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil])] #1)] (#0)] ([cl-struct-magit-section magithub-note nil #<marker (moves after insertion) at 968 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 985 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #0 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-user ((login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin) (name . "Josh Mize") (company . "@mozilla") (blog . "") (location . "Tulsa, OK") (email) (hireable) (bio) (public_repos . 126) (public_gists . 20) (followers . 191) (following . 625) (created_at . "2009-12-04T04:19:59Z") (updated_at . "2018-05-04T16:25:50Z") (private_gists . 19) (total_private_repos . 0) (owned_private_repos . 0) (disk_usage . 3081647) (collaborators . 0) (two_factor_authentication . t) (plan (name . "free") (space . 976562499) (collaborators . 0) (private_repos . 0))) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1084 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1090 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #0 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-assignee ((login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin) (name . "Josh Mize") (company . "@mozilla") (blog . "") (location . "Tulsa, OK") (email) (hireable) (bio) (public_repos . 126) (public_gists . 20) (followers . 191) (following . 625) (created_at . "2009-12-04T04:19:59Z") (updated_at . "2018-05-04T16:25:50Z") (private_gists . 19) (total_private_repos . 0) (owned_private_repos . 0) (disk_usage . 3081647) (collaborators . 0) (two_factor_authentication . t) (plan (name . "free") (space . 976562499) (collaborators . 0) (private_repos . 0))) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1107 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1113 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #0 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-label ((id . 920220316) (url . "") (name . "WIP") (color . "d4fc0c") (default)) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1130 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1133 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #0 nil])] type)
  magithub-section-type([cl-struct-magit-section magithub-issue ((url . "") (repository_url . "") (labels_url . "{/name}") (comments_url . "") (events_url . "") (html_url . "") (id . 319472410) (number . 1) (title . "Initial deployment") (user (login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin)) (labels ((id . 920220316) (url . "") (name . "WIP") (color . "d4fc0c") (default))) (state . "open") (locked) (assignee (login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin)) (assignees ((login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin))) (milestone) (comments . 0) (created_at . "2018-05-02T09:09:56Z") (updated_at . "2018-05-02T09:12:36Z") (closed_at) (author_association . "OWNER") (body . "")) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 929 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 952 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 1155 in *magit: git-sync-operator> t nil nil nil nil nil [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-issues-list nil #<marker (moves after insertion) at 918 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 929 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 1156 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil [cl-struct-magit-section status nil #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1156 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ([cl-struct-magit-section branch "master" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 78 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 338 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #2 ([cl-struct-magit-section branch #("origin/master" 0 13 ...) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 78 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 162 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section branch "origin/master" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 162 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 246 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-ci-status (magithub-ci-ref . "master") #<marker (moves after insertion) at 246 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 317 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 337 in *magit: git-sync-operator> t nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil])] [cl-struct-magit-section recent "HEAD~10..HEAD" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 338 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 353 in *magit: git-sync-operator> #<marker at 918 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #2 ([cl-struct-magit-section commit "44d3f56" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 353 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 435 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "4cd8465" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 435 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 497 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "1f11e7e" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 497 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 549 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "dc52b95" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 549 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 584 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "8e478b1" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 584 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 649 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "403543d" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 649 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 679 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "f8b9fff" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 679 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 713 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "e8c73e9" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 713 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 778 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "4aa9318" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 778 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 845 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section commit "11dda66" #<marker (moves after insertion) at 845 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 917 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #4 nil])] #1)] (#0)] ([cl-struct-magit-section magithub-note nil #<marker (moves after insertion) at 968 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 985 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #0 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-user ((login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin) (name . "Josh Mize") (company . "@mozilla") (blog . "") (location . "Tulsa, OK") (email) (hireable) (bio) (public_repos . 126) (public_gists . 20) (followers . 191) (following . 625) (created_at . "2009-12-04T04:19:59Z") (updated_at . "2018-05-04T16:25:50Z") (private_gists . 19) (total_private_repos . 0) (owned_private_repos . 0) (disk_usage . 3081647) (collaborators . 0) (two_factor_authentication . t) (plan (name . "free") (space . 976562499) (collaborators . 0) (private_repos . 0))) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1084 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1090 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #0 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-assignee ((login . "jgmize") (id . 161718) (avatar_url . "") (gravatar_id . "") (url . "") (html_url . "") (followers_url . "") (following_url . "{/other_user}") (gists_url . "{/gist_id}") (starred_url . "{/owner}{/repo}") (subscriptions_url . "") (organizations_url . "") (repos_url . "") (events_url . "{/privacy}") (received_events_url . "") (type . "User") (site_admin) (name . "Josh Mize") (company . "@mozilla") (blog . "") (location . "Tulsa, OK") (email) (hireable) (bio) (public_repos . 126) (public_gists . 20) (followers . 191) (following . 625) (created_at . "2009-12-04T04:19:59Z") (updated_at . "2018-05-04T16:25:50Z") (private_gists . 19) (total_private_repos . 0) (owned_private_repos . 0) (disk_usage . 3081647) (collaborators . 0) (two_factor_authentication . t) (plan (name . "free") (space . 976562499) (collaborators . 0) (private_repos . 0))) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1107 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1113 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #0 nil] [cl-struct-magit-section magithub-label ((id . 920220316) (url . "") (name . "WIP") (color . "d4fc0c") (default)) #<marker (moves after insertion) at 1130 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil #<marker at 1133 in *magit: git-sync-operator> nil nil nil nil nil nil #0 nil])])
  #[0 "\206�\301\302!\207" [magithub-issue magithub--section-value-at-point issue] 2]()
  byte-code("\300 C\207" [magithub-interactive-issue] 1)
  call-interactively(magithub-issue-visit nil nil)
vermiculus commented 6 years ago

Magit recently (within the past few months) updated its section architecture to use eieio objects instead of cl-structs. Looks like your section infrastructure is still on structs, so I bet that's the problem.

Please re-open if updating magit doesn't solve your issue 😄