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Answers not displayed #288

Closed manuel-uberti closed 9 years ago

manuel-uberti commented 9 years ago

I think an image explains it better emacsshot

As you can see here, that question has an answer.

I have upgraded SX from Melpa a few minutes ago. I am using Emacs (built 659609d18)

Malabarba commented 9 years ago

Do you have any errors in the messages buffer? Does it happen to other questions?

manuel-uberti commented 9 years ago

It happens with every question. This appears in the messages buffer: sx-question-mode--print-section: Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, nil

manuel-uberti commented 9 years ago

Also, this is the stackstrace if it helps:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil)
  sx-question-mode--print-section(((link . "") (site_par . "emacs") (body_markdown . "> A recursive grep in a directory should be the simplest thing\n\nFor a simple recursive grep inside current directory, just: `M-x grep` then, inside the minibuffer: `Run grep (like this): grep -nHr \"pattern\"`. (notice the -r flag).\n\nYou may also be interested by `rgrep`:\n\n> rgrep is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function in          \n> `grep.el'.\n> \n> (rgrep REGEXP &optional FILES DIR CONFIRM)\n> \n> Recursively grep for REGEXP in FILES in directory tree rooted at DIR.\n> The search is limited to file names matching shell pattern FILES.\n> FILES may use abbreviations defined in `grep-files-aliases', e.g.\n> entering `ch' is equivalent to `*.[ch]'.\n\n\n\n") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10845) (creation_date . 1429654047.0) (last_activity_date . 1429654047.0) (score . 1) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Nsukami _") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 101) (reputation . 2323))))
  mapc(sx-question-mode--print-section (((link . "") (site_par . "emacs") (body_markdown . "> A recursive grep in a directory should be the simplest thing\n\nFor a simple recursive grep inside current directory, just: `M-x grep` then, inside the minibuffer: `Run grep (like this): grep -nHr \"pattern\"`. (notice the -r flag).\n\nYou may also be interested by `rgrep`:\n\n> rgrep is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function in          \n> `grep.el'.\n> \n> (rgrep REGEXP &optional FILES DIR CONFIRM)\n> \n> Recursively grep for REGEXP in FILES in directory tree rooted at DIR.\n> The search is limited to file names matching shell pattern FILES.\n> FILES may use abbreviations defined in `grep-files-aliases', e.g.\n> entering `ch' is equivalent to `*.[ch]'.\n\n\n\n") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10845) (creation_date . 1429654047.0) (last_activity_date . 1429654047.0) (score . 1) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Nsukami _") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 101) (reputation . 2323))) ((link . "") (body_markdown . "`helm-projectile-find-dir` is probably the proper functionality. You can\n\n 1. Find a directory as in `projectile-find-dir`\n 2. But then you finish in Helm mode where you can run `C-u C-s` for a recursive search as desired.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10843) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429652723.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161))) ((link . "") (body_markdown . "You could try ```helm-do-grep```. Calling it with a prefix arg gives you a recursive grep, as explained in the [Helm Wiki][1].\n\n> If you want to launch helm-do-grep recursively without starting\n> helm-find-files, do:\n> \n> C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s\n> \n> NOTE: If you forget to hit C-u before M-g s you can do it after file\n> selection.\n> \n> You will be prompted for selecting in which category of files to\n> search: Use the wilcard syntax like *.el for example (search in only\n> .el files).\n> \n> By default, the extension of the file at point is used when the cursor\n> is on a filename. If the cursor is at root of a directory, all the\n> filename extensions found in the directory and not matching\n> grep-find-ignored-files are inserted into the prompt.\n\nTry it like so:\n\n```C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s```\n\n\n  [1]:") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10851) (creation_date . 1429690852.0) (last_edit_date . 1429691243.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (last_editor (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8)) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8)))))
  sx-question-mode--print-question(((title . "Recursive grep in directory with helm and/or projectile?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "A recursive grep in a directory should be the simplest thing, but I haven't found the recipe to get it to work yet. I'm juggling between the following commands and am not sure which has the functionality buried within it:\n\n * `helm-find-files`: The problem is this is really bad at finding a directory recursively.\n * `projectile-find-dir`: This is great at finding the dir! However despite using helm complete you don't wind up in helm mode, so the `C-u C-s` command doesn't work here.\n * `helm-find`: gets the recursion right but targets files, not directories\n * `helm-projectile-find-dir`: Seems to be what I want.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (answer_count . 3) (view_count . 27) (is_answered . t) (upvoted) (downvoted) (comments ((body . "I love ag and ag-mode for that, the silver searcher beats grep with one hand tied to its back :-), don't know how to make it  projectile aware, though") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "I love ag and ag-mode for that, the silver searcher beats grep with one hand tied to its back :-), don't know how to make it  projectile aware, though") (comment_id . 16786) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429673622.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Tom Regner") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 295) (reputation . 150))) ((body . "M-x projectile-ag maybe ? («projectile-prefix» A or «projectile-prefix» a – depending on the version)") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "M-x projectile-ag maybe ? («projectile-prefix» A or «projectile-prefix» a – depending on the version)") (comment_id . 16788) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429691129.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Mekk") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2404) (reputation . 301))) ((body . "To the original poster: I do not quite understand what is your purpose. projectile-ack and projectile-ag are both great recursive greps within (whole) projectile project. Aren't they what you need?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "To the original poster: I do not quite understand what is your purpose. projectile-ack and projectile-ag are both great recursive greps within (whole) projectile project. Aren't they what you need?") (comment_id . 16790) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429691247.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Mekk") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2404) (reputation . 301)))) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161)) (tags "helm" "projectile" "grep" "find") (answers ((link . "") (body_markdown . "`helm-projectile-find-dir` is probably the proper functionality. You can\n\n 1. Find a directory as in `projectile-find-dir`\n 2. But then you finish in Helm mode where you can run `C-u C-s` for a recursive search as desired.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10843) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429652723.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161))) ((link . "") (body_markdown . "You could try ```helm-do-grep```. Calling it with a prefix arg gives you a recursive grep, as explained in the [Helm Wiki][1].\n\n> If you want to launch helm-do-grep recursively without starting\n> helm-find-files, do:\n> \n> C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s\n> \n> NOTE: If you forget to hit C-u before M-g s you can do it after file\n> selection.\n> \n> You will be prompted for selecting in which category of files to\n> search: Use the wilcard syntax like *.el for example (search in only\n> .el files).\n> \n> By default, the extension of the file at point is used when the cursor\n> is on a filename. If the cursor is at root of a directory, all the\n> filename extensions found in the directory and not matching\n> grep-find-ignored-files are inserted into the prompt.\n\nTry it like so:\n\n```C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s```\n\n\n  [1]:") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10851) (creation_date . 1429690852.0) (last_edit_date . 1429691243.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (last_editor (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8)) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8))))))
  sx-question-mode--erase-and-print-question(((title . "Recursive grep in directory with helm and/or projectile?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "A recursive grep in a directory should be the simplest thing, but I haven't found the recipe to get it to work yet. I'm juggling between the following commands and am not sure which has the functionality buried within it:\n\n * `helm-find-files`: The problem is this is really bad at finding a directory recursively.\n * `projectile-find-dir`: This is great at finding the dir! However despite using helm complete you don't wind up in helm mode, so the `C-u C-s` command doesn't work here.\n * `helm-find`: gets the recursion right but targets files, not directories\n * `helm-projectile-find-dir`: Seems to be what I want.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (answer_count . 3) (view_count . 27) (is_answered . t) (upvoted) (downvoted) (comments ((body . "I love ag and ag-mode for that, the silver searcher beats grep with one hand tied to its back :-), don't know how to make it  projectile aware, though") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "I love ag and ag-mode for that, the silver searcher beats grep with one hand tied to its back :-), don't know how to make it  projectile aware, though") (comment_id . 16786) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429673622.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Tom Regner") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 295) (reputation . 150))) ((body . "M-x projectile-ag maybe ? («projectile-prefix» A or «projectile-prefix» a – depending on the version)") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "M-x projectile-ag maybe ? («projectile-prefix» A or «projectile-prefix» a – depending on the version)") (comment_id . 16788) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429691129.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Mekk") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2404) (reputation . 301))) ((body . "To the original poster: I do not quite understand what is your purpose. projectile-ack and projectile-ag are both great recursive greps within (whole) projectile project. Aren't they what you need?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "To the original poster: I do not quite understand what is your purpose. projectile-ack and projectile-ag are both great recursive greps within (whole) projectile project. Aren't they what you need?") (comment_id . 16790) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429691247.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Mekk") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2404) (reputation . 301)))) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161)) (tags "helm" "projectile" "grep" "find") (answers ((link . "") (body_markdown . "`helm-projectile-find-dir` is probably the proper functionality. You can\n\n 1. Find a directory as in `projectile-find-dir`\n 2. But then you finish in Helm mode where you can run `C-u C-s` for a recursive search as desired.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10843) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429652723.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161))) ((link . "") (body_markdown . "You could try ```helm-do-grep```. Calling it with a prefix arg gives you a recursive grep, as explained in the [Helm Wiki][1].\n\n> If you want to launch helm-do-grep recursively without starting\n> helm-find-files, do:\n> \n> C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s\n> \n> NOTE: If you forget to hit C-u before M-g s you can do it after file\n> selection.\n> \n> You will be prompted for selecting in which category of files to\n> search: Use the wilcard syntax like *.el for example (search in only\n> .el files).\n> \n> By default, the extension of the file at point is used when the cursor\n> is on a filename. If the cursor is at root of a directory, all the\n> filename extensions found in the directory and not matching\n> grep-find-ignored-files are inserted into the prompt.\n\nTry it like so:\n\n```C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s```\n\n\n  [1]:") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10851) (creation_date . 1429690852.0) (last_edit_date . 1429691243.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (last_editor (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8)) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8))))))
  sx-question-mode--display(((title . "Recursive grep in directory with helm and/or projectile?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "A recursive grep in a directory should be the simplest thing, but I haven't found the recipe to get it to work yet. I'm juggling between the following commands and am not sure which has the functionality buried within it:\n\n * `helm-find-files`: The problem is this is really bad at finding a directory recursively.\n * `projectile-find-dir`: This is great at finding the dir! However despite using helm complete you don't wind up in helm mode, so the `C-u C-s` command doesn't work here.\n * `helm-find`: gets the recursion right but targets files, not directories\n * `helm-projectile-find-dir`: Seems to be what I want.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (answer_count . 3) (view_count . 27) (is_answered . t) (upvoted) (downvoted) (comments ((body . "I love ag and ag-mode for that, the silver searcher beats grep with one hand tied to its back :-), don't know how to make it  projectile aware, though") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "I love ag and ag-mode for that, the silver searcher beats grep with one hand tied to its back :-), don't know how to make it  projectile aware, though") (comment_id . 16786) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429673622.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Tom Regner") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 295) (reputation . 150))) ((body . "M-x projectile-ag maybe ? («projectile-prefix» A or «projectile-prefix» a – depending on the version)") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "M-x projectile-ag maybe ? («projectile-prefix» A or «projectile-prefix» a – depending on the version)") (comment_id . 16788) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429691129.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Mekk") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2404) (reputation . 301))) ((body . "To the original poster: I do not quite understand what is your purpose. projectile-ack and projectile-ag are both great recursive greps within (whole) projectile project. Aren't they what you need?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "To the original poster: I do not quite understand what is your purpose. projectile-ack and projectile-ag are both great recursive greps within (whole) projectile project. Aren't they what you need?") (comment_id . 16790) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429691247.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Mekk") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2404) (reputation . 301)))) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161)) (tags "helm" "projectile" "grep" "find") (answers ((link . "") (body_markdown . "`helm-projectile-find-dir` is probably the proper functionality. You can\n\n 1. Find a directory as in `projectile-find-dir`\n 2. But then you finish in Helm mode where you can run `C-u C-s` for a recursive search as desired.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10843) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429652723.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161))) ((link . "") (body_markdown . "You could try ```helm-do-grep```. Calling it with a prefix arg gives you a recursive grep, as explained in the [Helm Wiki][1].\n\n> If you want to launch helm-do-grep recursively without starting\n> helm-find-files, do:\n> \n> C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s\n> \n> NOTE: If you forget to hit C-u before M-g s you can do it after file\n> selection.\n> \n> You will be prompted for selecting in which category of files to\n> search: Use the wilcard syntax like *.el for example (search in only\n> .el files).\n> \n> By default, the extension of the file at point is used when the cursor\n> is on a filename. If the cursor is at root of a directory, all the\n> filename extensions found in the directory and not matching\n> grep-find-ignored-files are inserted into the prompt.\n\nTry it like so:\n\n```C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s```\n\n\n  [1]:") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10851) (creation_date . 1429690852.0) (last_edit_date . 1429691243.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (last_editor (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8)) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8))))) nil)
  sx-display-question(((title . "Recursive grep in directory with helm and/or projectile?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "A recursive grep in a directory should be the simplest thing, but I haven't found the recipe to get it to work yet. I'm juggling between the following commands and am not sure which has the functionality buried within it:\n\n * `helm-find-files`: The problem is this is really bad at finding a directory recursively.\n * `projectile-find-dir`: This is great at finding the dir! However despite using helm complete you don't wind up in helm mode, so the `C-u C-s` command doesn't work here.\n * `helm-find`: gets the recursion right but targets files, not directories\n * `helm-projectile-find-dir`: Seems to be what I want.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (answer_count . 3) (view_count . 27) (is_answered . t) (upvoted) (downvoted) (comments ((body . "I love ag and ag-mode for that, the silver searcher beats grep with one hand tied to its back :-), don't know how to make it  projectile aware, though") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "I love ag and ag-mode for that, the silver searcher beats grep with one hand tied to its back :-), don't know how to make it  projectile aware, though") (comment_id . 16786) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429673622.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Tom Regner") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 295) (reputation . 150))) ((body . "M-x projectile-ag maybe ? («projectile-prefix» A or «projectile-prefix» a – depending on the version)") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "M-x projectile-ag maybe ? («projectile-prefix» A or «projectile-prefix» a – depending on the version)") (comment_id . 16788) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429691129.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Mekk") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2404) (reputation . 301))) ((body . "To the original poster: I do not quite understand what is your purpose. projectile-ack and projectile-ag are both great recursive greps within (whole) projectile project. Aren't they what you need?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "To the original poster: I do not quite understand what is your purpose. projectile-ack and projectile-ag are both great recursive greps within (whole) projectile project. Aren't they what you need?") (comment_id . 16790) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429691247.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Mekk") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2404) (reputation . 301)))) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161)) (tags "helm" "projectile" "grep" "find") (answers ((link . "") (body_markdown . "`helm-projectile-find-dir` is probably the proper functionality. You can\n\n 1. Find a directory as in `projectile-find-dir`\n 2. But then you finish in Helm mode where you can run `C-u C-s` for a recursive search as desired.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10843) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429652723.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161))) ((link . "") (body_markdown . "You could try ```helm-do-grep```. Calling it with a prefix arg gives you a recursive grep, as explained in the [Helm Wiki][1].\n\n> If you want to launch helm-do-grep recursively without starting\n> helm-find-files, do:\n> \n> C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s\n> \n> NOTE: If you forget to hit C-u before M-g s you can do it after file\n> selection.\n> \n> You will be prompted for selecting in which category of files to\n> search: Use the wilcard syntax like *.el for example (search in only\n> .el files).\n> \n> By default, the extension of the file at point is used when the cursor\n> is on a filename. If the cursor is at root of a directory, all the\n> filename extensions found in the directory and not matching\n> grep-find-ignored-files are inserted into the prompt.\n\nTry it like so:\n\n```C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s```\n\n\n  [1]:") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10851) (creation_date . 1429690852.0) (last_edit_date . 1429691243.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (last_editor (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8)) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8))))) focus)
  sx-display(((title . "Recursive grep in directory with helm and/or projectile?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "A recursive grep in a directory should be the simplest thing, but I haven't found the recipe to get it to work yet. I'm juggling between the following commands and am not sure which has the functionality buried within it:\n\n * `helm-find-files`: The problem is this is really bad at finding a directory recursively.\n * `projectile-find-dir`: This is great at finding the dir! However despite using helm complete you don't wind up in helm mode, so the `C-u C-s` command doesn't work here.\n * `helm-find`: gets the recursion right but targets files, not directories\n * `helm-projectile-find-dir`: Seems to be what I want.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (answer_count . 3) (view_count . 27) (is_answered . t) (upvoted) (downvoted) (comments ((body . "I love ag and ag-mode for that, the silver searcher beats grep with one hand tied to its back :-), don't know how to make it  projectile aware, though") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "I love ag and ag-mode for that, the silver searcher beats grep with one hand tied to its back :-), don't know how to make it  projectile aware, though") (comment_id . 16786) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429673622.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Tom Regner") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 295) (reputation . 150))) ((body . "M-x projectile-ag maybe ? («projectile-prefix» A or «projectile-prefix» a – depending on the version)") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "M-x projectile-ag maybe ? («projectile-prefix» A or «projectile-prefix» a – depending on the version)") (comment_id . 16788) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429691129.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Mekk") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2404) (reputation . 301))) ((body . "To the original poster: I do not quite understand what is your purpose. projectile-ack and projectile-ag are both great recursive greps within (whole) projectile project. Aren't they what you need?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "To the original poster: I do not quite understand what is your purpose. projectile-ack and projectile-ag are both great recursive greps within (whole) projectile project. Aren't they what you need?") (comment_id . 16790) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429691247.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Mekk") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2404) (reputation . 301)))) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161)) (tags "helm" "projectile" "grep" "find") (answers ((link . "") (body_markdown . "`helm-projectile-find-dir` is probably the proper functionality. You can\n\n 1. Find a directory as in `projectile-find-dir`\n 2. But then you finish in Helm mode where you can run `C-u C-s` for a recursive search as desired.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10843) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429652723.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161))) ((link . "") (body_markdown . "You could try ```helm-do-grep```. Calling it with a prefix arg gives you a recursive grep, as explained in the [Helm Wiki][1].\n\n> If you want to launch helm-do-grep recursively without starting\n> helm-find-files, do:\n> \n> C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s\n> \n> NOTE: If you forget to hit C-u before M-g s you can do it after file\n> selection.\n> \n> You will be prompted for selecting in which category of files to\n> search: Use the wilcard syntax like *.el for example (search in only\n> .el files).\n> \n> By default, the extension of the file at point is used when the cursor\n> is on a filename. If the cursor is at root of a directory, all the\n> filename extensions found in the directory and not matching\n> grep-find-ignored-files are inserted into the prompt.\n\nTry it like so:\n\n```C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s```\n\n\n  [1]:") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10851) (creation_date . 1429690852.0) (last_edit_date . 1429691243.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (last_editor (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8)) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8))))))
  funcall-interactively(sx-display ((title . "Recursive grep in directory with helm and/or projectile?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "A recursive grep in a directory should be the simplest thing, but I haven't found the recipe to get it to work yet. I'm juggling between the following commands and am not sure which has the functionality buried within it:\n\n * `helm-find-files`: The problem is this is really bad at finding a directory recursively.\n * `projectile-find-dir`: This is great at finding the dir! However despite using helm complete you don't wind up in helm mode, so the `C-u C-s` command doesn't work here.\n * `helm-find`: gets the recursion right but targets files, not directories\n * `helm-projectile-find-dir`: Seems to be what I want.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (answer_count . 3) (view_count . 27) (is_answered . t) (upvoted) (downvoted) (comments ((body . "I love ag and ag-mode for that, the silver searcher beats grep with one hand tied to its back :-), don't know how to make it  projectile aware, though") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "I love ag and ag-mode for that, the silver searcher beats grep with one hand tied to its back :-), don't know how to make it  projectile aware, though") (comment_id . 16786) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429673622.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Tom Regner") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 295) (reputation . 150))) ((body . "M-x projectile-ag maybe ? («projectile-prefix» A or «projectile-prefix» a – depending on the version)") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "M-x projectile-ag maybe ? («projectile-prefix» A or «projectile-prefix» a – depending on the version)") (comment_id . 16788) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429691129.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Mekk") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2404) (reputation . 301))) ((body . "To the original poster: I do not quite understand what is your purpose. projectile-ack and projectile-ag are both great recursive greps within (whole) projectile project. Aren't they what you need?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "To the original poster: I do not quite understand what is your purpose. projectile-ack and projectile-ag are both great recursive greps within (whole) projectile project. Aren't they what you need?") (comment_id . 16790) (post_id . 10842) (creation_date . 1429691247.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Mekk") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 86) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2404) (reputation . 301)))) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161)) (tags "helm" "projectile" "grep" "find") (answers ((link . "") (body_markdown . "`helm-projectile-find-dir` is probably the proper functionality. You can\n\n 1. Find a directory as in `projectile-find-dir`\n 2. But then you finish in Helm mode where you can run `C-u C-s` for a recursive search as desired.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10843) (creation_date . 1429652723.0) (last_activity_date . 1429652723.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "djechlin") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6641) (reputation . 161))) ((link . "") (body_markdown . "You could try ```helm-do-grep```. Calling it with a prefix arg gives you a recursive grep, as explained in the [Helm Wiki][1].\n\n> If you want to launch helm-do-grep recursively without starting\n> helm-find-files, do:\n> \n> C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s\n> \n> NOTE: If you forget to hit C-u before M-g s you can do it after file\n> selection.\n> \n> You will be prompted for selecting in which category of files to\n> search: Use the wilcard syntax like *.el for example (search in only\n> .el files).\n> \n> By default, the extension of the file at point is used when the cursor\n> is on a filename. If the cursor is at root of a directory, all the\n> filename extensions found in the directory and not matching\n> grep-find-ignored-files are inserted into the prompt.\n\nTry it like so:\n\n```C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s```\n\n\n  [1]:") (share_link . "") (question_id . 10842) (answer_id . 10851) (creation_date . 1429690852.0) (last_edit_date . 1429691243.0) (last_activity_date . 1429691243.0) (score . 0) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (last_editor (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8)) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "Manuel Uberti") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5514) (reputation . 8))))))
  call-interactively(sx-display nil nil)
Malabarba commented 9 years ago

Ok Looks like to t another instance of the api not returning complete objects. I'll push a fix in an hour

Malabarba commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the report, BTW.

manuel-uberti commented 9 years ago

All fine now, thank you for the fix.

vermiculus commented 9 years ago

I ran into this as well – clearing out the network-user cache and invalidating it is another fix (and likely a more appropriate one, that I don't know how it got in that state in the first place).

It really sucks that we can't actually depend on the API to keep its promises :(

manuel-uberti commented 9 years ago

Interesting, could you explain to me how to clear network-user cache and invalidate it? Just in case. :)

vermiculus commented 9 years ago

Just call sx-cache-invalidate-all :)

Be wary of the docstring though – it's wrong right now O.O Call sx-cache-invalidate-all without a prefix argument to save your authentication information.


This will clear out your hidden questions as well.

manuel-uberti commented 9 years ago

Thank you, might come in handy if something similar happens again.

vermiculus commented 9 years ago

Note that this will clear out your hidden/read questions as well – everything that's not authentication-related. To not do that, just go into your .emacs.d/.sx, remove network-user, and restart emacs :) (Or set some variable to nil – I think sx-network--user-information.)