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There should be a short usage section #291

Closed tuhdo closed 8 years ago

tuhdo commented 9 years ago

I think even a link to this article from from @Malabarba would be very useful.

tuhdo commented 9 years ago

What I really mean is that there should be sample configuration with premade key bindings to all frequently used commands, so users can easily copy and try the package and later modify the keys.

tuhdo commented 9 years ago

w should be explicitly mentioned that it can copy code from answer to the mark ring. This is an extremely feature imo.

Malabarba commented 9 years ago

Yeah, we could suggest a keymap on the readme. More importantly, we need an entire Readme section about the question buffer, then we could mention the w key. Any volunteers? =)

vermiculus commented 9 years ago

I volunteer!

Malabarba commented 9 years ago

:+1: :-)

vermiculus commented 9 years ago

@tuhdo @Malabarba Anything you'd add to the above?

tuhdo commented 9 years ago

There should be a sample Elisp configuration with key bindings. That way, people can quickly copy/paste and try out sx, without the hassle of writing the boilerplate themselves.

vermiculus commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure what key-bindings are necessary beyond the default. Can you share your configuration? (Ironically, I don't get to use this much – my work computer can't manage the url business and I haven't had the free time to fix it there.)

tuhdo commented 9 years ago

Key bindings that enable us to enter sx to use the rest of default key bindings. The key bindings specified in @Malabarba's article is a good example.

vermiculus commented 9 years ago

@tuhdo Ah! I never thought about those commands :) Smex/flx-ido have spoiled me :) Is everyone satisfied with the above? Any more ideas/things to add?

Malabarba commented 9 years ago

I like both commits. It occurs to be now that we should mention sx-search in with the entry commands as well. Besides this, and the comments I made on the commit, I'm good with merging.

Thanks Sean

tuhdo commented 9 years ago

Look perfect now. I have no further idea.