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sx-tab-all-questions: Symbol's function definition is void #294

Closed manuel-uberti closed 9 years ago

manuel-uberti commented 9 years ago


I am running latest sx.el. When I call sx-tab-all-questions I got this error in the *Messages* buffer:

sort: Symbol's function definition is void: nil

This is the stacktrace:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function nil)
  nil((((title . "How to move to the end/beginning of the window/screen line?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "For example, I got a small window, a long whole line is split into multiple lines, not actually split, but with one arrow at the end of each line of the window, if I use C-e or End key, this will move end point to the end of this actual line.\n\n`(setq truncate-lines nil)`is set in my init.el, how can I move my point to the end of the window/screen line?") (share_link . "") (question_id . 12695) (last_edit_date . 1432612395.0) (creation_date . 1432611812.0) (last_activity_date . 1432612456.0) (score . 2) (answer_count . 2) (view_count . 35) (is_answered . t) (upvoted) (downvoted) (last_editor (link . "") (display_name . "CodyChan") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 794) (reputation . 587)) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "CodyChan") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 794) (reputation . 587)) (tags "window" "motion") (answers ((link . "") (body_markdown . "You want `visual-line-mode`. You can enable it with <kbd>M-x</kbd> <kbd>visual-line-mode</kbd>.\n\nSee the EmacsWiki on:\n\n* [Visual Lines](\n* [Line wrapping](\n\nSee the GNU Emacs manual on:\n\n* [`visual-line-mode`](") (share_link . "") (question_id . 12695) (answer_id . 12696) (creation_date . 1432612131.0) (last_activity_date . 1432612131.0) (score . 2) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (comments ((body . "No, I don't want to enable <code>visual-line-mode</code>, I just want the whole line that way in Emacs, I already find the solution, I can use beginning/end-of-visual-line.") (link . "") (body_markdown . "No, I don't want to enable `visual-line-mode`, I just want the whole line that way in Emacs, I already find the solution, I can use beginning/end-of-visual-line.") (comment_id . 18524) (post_id . 12696) (creation_date . 1432612301.0) (post_type . "answer") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "CodyChan") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 794) (reputation . 587))) ((body . "Okay then, post it as an answer and wait for answer-own-question time limit.") (link . "") (body_markdown . "Okay then, post it as an answer and wait for answer-own-question time limit.") (comment_id . 18525) (post_id . 12696) (creation_date . 1432612419.0) (post_type . "answer") (score . 2) (edited) (upvoted) (reply_to_user (link . "") (display_name . "CodyChan") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 794) (reputation . 587)) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "PythonNut") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 60) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2642) (reputation . 1942))) ((body . "For anyone who may be interested to know, enabling <code>visual-line-mode</code> remaps <code>move-beginning-of-line</code> to <code>beginning-of-visual-line</code>; and <code>move-end-of-line</code> to <code>end-of-visual-line</code>.  For those who prefer that whole words not be broken up at widow-edge, <code>visual-line-mode</code> offers a wonderful built-in alternative.  This is also ideal for anyone with a word-processing background.") (link . "") (body_markdown . "For anyone who may be interested to know, enabling `visual-line-mode` remaps `move-beginning-of-line` to `beginning-of-visual-line`; and `move-end-of-line` to `end-of-visual-line`.  For those who prefer that whole words not be broken up at widow-edge, `visual-line-mode` offers a wonderful built-in alternative.  This is also ideal for anyone with a word-processing background.") (comment_id . 18527) (post_id . 12696) (creation_date . 1432613080.0) (post_type . "answer") (score . 1) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "lawlist") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 100) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2287) (reputation . 1645)))) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "PythonNut") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 60) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2642) (reputation . 1942))) ((link . "") (body_markdown . "I already find the solution, I can use `beginning/end-of-visual-line`\n\n    (global-set-key (kbd \"C-S-e\") 'end-of-visual-line)\n    (global-set-key (kbd \"C-S-a\") 'beginning-of-visual-line)\n\nNow, use C-S-a/e to do that motion.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 12695) (answer_id . 12697) (creation_date . 1432612456.0) (last_activity_date . 1432612456.0) (score . 2) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "CodyChan") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 50) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 794) (reputation . 587))))) [("2" face sx-question-list-score) ("2" face sx-question-list-answers) #("How to move to the end/beginning of the window/screen line?        4h ago [window] [motion]                               CodyChan  587 " 0 59 (face sx-question-list-unread-question) 59 60 (display "\n   ") 60 61 (face sx-question-list-favorite) 66 73 (face sx-question-list-date) 74 82 (category sx-button-tag-button sx-tag-meta nil sx-tag "window" sx-button-copy "window" button (t)) 83 91 (category sx-button-tag-button sx-tag-meta nil sx-tag "motion" sx-button-copy "motion" button (t)) 115 130 (sx-button-url "" sx-button-copy "" button (t) category sx-button-user-button face sx-user-name) 130 131 (sx-button-url "" sx-button-copy "") 131 135 (sx-button-url "" sx-button-copy "" face sx-user-reputation) 135 136 (display "\n"))]) (((title . "How to go through command history based on what's been typed (matlab style)") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "Using examples from octave mode to explain this, but it would be useful in other places as well.  \n\nWhen going through the command history it would be nice to only display entries that match what's already been typed.  For example, \nif I've typed out `x=` pressing <kbd> M-p</kbd> would go to the last commands beginning with that, eg `x=3` or `x=y+4`, even if several unrelated commands have been entered.\n\nWhat's the simplest way to achieve this in emacs?") (share_link . "") (question_id . 12628) (last_edit_date . 1432617991.0) (creation_date . 1432321516.0) (last_activity_date . 1432617991.0) (score . 1) (answer_count . 1) (view_count . 39) (is_answered . t) (upvoted) (downvoted) (last_editor (link . "") (display_name . "Gilles") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 80) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 25) (reputation . 4492)) (comments ((body . "If the mode you're using is based on Comint mode, you could use <code>M-x comint-previous-matching-input</code>. (You'll probably want to bind that to some appropriate key.)") (link . "") (body_markdown . "If the mode you're using is based on Comint mode, you could use `M-x comint-previous-matching-input`. (You'll probably want to bind that to some appropriate key.)") (comment_id . 18419) (post_id . 12628) (creation_date . 1432321980.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 1) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "legoscia") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 11) (reputation . 1924))) ((body . "Don't <code>M-p</code> and <code>M-n</code> work? I think you should also be able to search the history by pressing <code>M-r</code> and typing the part of the expression you already typed before.") (link . "") (body_markdown . "Don't `M-p` and `M-n` work? I think you should also be able to search the history by pressing `M-r` and typing the part of the expression you already typed before.") (comment_id . 18426) (post_id . 12628) (creation_date . 1432328955.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "wvxvw") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 64) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 563) (reputation . 2684))) ((body . "@wvxvw   The M-r shortcut is good, I'll have to remember that one.  I'm using M-p (fixed the typo in my question), I just want to add to that behavior.") (link . "") (body_markdown . "@wvxvw   The M-r shortcut is good, I'll have to remember that one.  I'm using M-p (fixed the typo in my question), I just want to add to that behavior.") (comment_id . 18522) (post_id . 12628) (creation_date . 1432608394.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (reply_to_user (link . "") (display_name . "wvxvw") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 64) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 563) (reputation . 2684)) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "user2699") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 67) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2823) (reputation . 230))) ((body . "@legoscia, that's exactly what I was looking for.  Is there any way to use that in non comint modes, such as the emacs minibufffers?") (link . "") (body_markdown . "@legoscia, that's exactly what I was looking for.  Is there any way to use that in non comint modes, such as the emacs minibufffers?") (comment_id . 18523) (post_id . 12628) (creation_date . 1432608500.0) (post_type . "question") (score . 0) (edited) (upvoted) (reply_to_user (link . "") (display_name . "legoscia") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 11) (reputation . 1924)) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "user2699") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 67) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2823) (reputation . 230)))) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "user2699") (profile_image . "") (accept_rate . 67) (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 2823) (reputation . 230)) (tags "comint" "history" "octave") (answers ((link . "") (body_markdown . "You're looking for the commands `comint-previous-matching-input-from-input` and `comint-next-matching-input-from-input`, which by default are bound to <kbd>C-c M-r</kbd> and <kbd>C-c M-s</kbd>.\n\nI recommend binding these command to M-p and M-n, like so:\n\n    (eval-after-load 'comint\n      '(progn\n         ;; originally on C-c M-r and C-c M-s\n         (define-key comint-mode-map (kbd \"M-p\") #'comint-previous-matching-input-from-input)\n         (define-key comint-mode-map (kbd \"M-n\") #'comint-next-matching-input-from-input)\n         ;; originally on M-p and M-n\n         (define-key comint-mode-map (kbd \"C-c M-r\") #'comint-previous-input)\n         (define-key comint-mode-map (kbd \"C-c M-s\") #'comint-next-input)))\n\nThis should work for any mode the derives from `comint-mode`.") (share_link . "") (question_id . 12628) (answer_id . 12645) (creation_date . 1432363594.0) (last_activity_date . 1432363594.0) (score . 2) (is_accepted) (upvoted) (downvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "bmag") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 6533) (reputation . 161))))) [("1" face sx-question-list-score) ("1" face sx-question-list-answers) #("How to go through command history based on what's been typed (matlab style)        3h ago [comint] [history] [octave]                     user2699  230 " 0 75 (face sx-question-list-unread-question) 75 76 (display "\n   ") 76 77 (face sx-question-list-favorite) 82 89 (face sx-question-list-date) 90 98 (category sx-button-tag-button sx-tag-meta nil sx-tag "comint" sx-button-copy "comint" button (t)) 99 108 (category sx-button-tag-button sx-tag-meta nil sx-tag "history" sx-button-copy "history" button (t)) 109 117 (category sx-button-tag-button sx-tag-meta nil sx-tag "octave" sx-button-copy "octave" button (t)) 131 146 (sx-button-url "" sx-button-copy "" button (t) category sx-button-user-button face sx-user-name) 146 147 (sx-button-url "" sx-button-copy "") 147 151 (sx-button-url "" sx-button-copy "" face sx-user-reputation) 151 152 (display "\n"))]))
  sort(((((title . "How does \"transpose-sentences\" work?") (site_par . "emacs") (link . "") (body_markdown . "How does `M-x` `transpose-sentences` work? I tested it by executing the command with point at various places (as indicated) in the following:\n\n    this is sentence 1. this is sentence 2. this is sentence 3.\n    ^       ^        ^^^^       ^        ^^^^       ^        ^^\n\nIt either appears to do nothing, or returns \"Don't have two things to transpose\".") (share_link . "") (question_id . 12698) (creation_date . 1432626536.0) (last_activity_date . 1432626536.0) (score . 0) (answer_count . 0) (view_count . 1) (is_answered) (upvoted) (downvoted) (owner (link . "") (display_name . "SabreWolfy") (profile_image . "") (user_type . "registered") (user_id . 5345) (reputation . 160)) (tags "text-editing")) [("0" face sx-question-list-score) ("0" face sx-question-list-answers) #("How does \"transpose-sentences\" work?       27m ago [text-editing]                                SabreWolfy  160 " 0 36 (face sx-question-list-unread-question) 36 37 (display "\n   ") 37 38 (face sx-question-list-favorite) 43 50 (face sx-question-list-date) 51 65 (category sx-button-tag-button sx-tag-meta nil sx-tag "text-editing" sx-button-copy "text-editing" button (t)) 92 107 (sx-button-url "" sx-button-copy "" button (t) category sx-button-user-button face sx-user-name) 107 108 (sx-button-url "" sx-button-copy "") 108 112 (sx-button-url "" sx-button-copy "" face sx-user-reputation) 112 113 (display "\n"))])) nil)
  #[512 "\304\305!\203\f

I'm running Emacs trunk (816a2b3). If you need me to do other tests, please ask.

Malabarba commented 9 years ago

Actually, that's a tabulated-list-mode bug (you're following Emacs master, right?). :-) Thanks for catching that, I'll fix it on master.

manuel-uberti commented 9 years ago

Yes, I am following master. :-)

Malabarba commented 9 years ago

Ok, should be fixed on the latest master. Let me know if it works.

manuel-uberti commented 9 years ago

All good here. Thanks for the quick fix.