vernesong / OpenClash

A Clash Client For OpenWrt
MIT License
16.73k stars 3.09k forks source link

[Bug] 升级后无论降级与否 面板打开都是空白页 #3197

Closed paladin4fan closed 1 year ago

paladin4fan commented 1 year ago

Verify Steps

OpenClash Version


Bug on Environment

Official OpenWrt

Bug on Platform


To Reproduce


Describe the Bug

升级到111版本之后 上不了网的同时clash面板也无法打开(两种面板都是) 尝试降级后故障如初 用别的dashboard修改连接主机的IP为路由IP可以控制 只有插件主页的面板打不开

OpenClash Log

OpenClash 调试日志

生成时间: 2023-04-16 16:38:20 插件版本: v0.45.103-bet

===================== 系统信息 =====================

主机型号: Default string Default string 固件版本: OpenWrt 22.03.0-rc5 r19523-bfd070e7fa LuCI版本: git-20.074.84698-ead5e81 内核版本: 5.10.127 处理器架构: x86_64


IPV6-DHCP: server

DNS劫持: 停用


===================== 依赖检查 =====================

dnsmasq-full: 已安装 coreutils: 已安装 coreutils-nohup: 已安装 bash: 已安装 curl: 已安装 ca-certificates: 已安装 ipset: 已安装 ip-full: 已安装 libcap: 已安装 libcap-bin: 已安装 ruby: 已安装 ruby-yaml: 已安装 ruby-psych: 已安装 ruby-pstore: 已安装 kmod-tun(TUN模式): 已安装 luci-compat(Luci >= 19.07): 已安装 kmod-inet-diag(PROCESS-NAME): 未安装 unzip: 已安装 kmod-nft-tproxy: 已安装

===================== 内核检查 =====================

运行状态: 运行中 内核: 进程pid: 17095 运行权限: 17095: cap_dac_override,cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw,cap_sys_ptrace,cap_sys_resource=eip 运行用户: nobody 已选择的架构:


Tun内核版本: 2023.03.04-5-g4a8cefb Tun内核文件: 存在 Tun内核运行权限: 正常

Dev内核版本: v1.13.0-7-g4ffc999 Dev内核文件: 存在 Dev内核运行权限: 正常

Meta内核版本: alpha-g2f992e9 Meta内核文件: 存在 Meta内核运行权限: 正常

===================== 插件设置 =====================

当前配置文件: /etc/openclash/config/Tsukimori.yaml 启动配置文件: /etc/openclash/Tsukimori.yaml 运行模式: redir-host 默认代理模式: rule UDP流量转发(tproxy): 停用 自定义DNS: 启用 IPV6代理: 启用 IPV6-DNS解析: 启用 禁用Dnsmasq缓存: 启用 自定义规则: 停用 仅允许内网: 启用 仅代理命中规则流量: 启用 仅允许常用端口流量: 停用 绕过中国大陆IP: 启用 路由本机代理: 启用


混合节点: 停用 保留配置: 停用


第三方规则: 停用

===================== 配置文件 =====================

port: 7890 socks-port: 7891 allow-lan: true mode: rule log-level: info external-controller: proxy-groups:

===================== 自定义覆写设置 =====================


. /usr/share/openclash/ . /usr/share/openclash/ . /lib/

This script is called by /etc/init.d/openclash

Add your custom overwrite scripts here, they will be take effict after the OpenClash own srcipts

LOG_OUT "Tip: Start Running Custom Overwrite Scripts..." LOGTIME=$(echo $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) LOG_FILE="/tmp/openclash.log" CONFIG_FILE="$1" #config path

Simple Demo:

#General Demo
#1--config path
#2--key name
#ruby_edit "$CONFIG_FILE" "['redir-port']" "7892"
#ruby_edit "$CONFIG_FILE" "['secret']" "123456"
#ruby_edit "$CONFIG_FILE" "['dns']['enable']" "true"

#Hash Demo
#1--config path
#2--key name
#3--hash type value
#ruby_edit "$CONFIG_FILE" "['experimental']" "{'sniff-tls-sni'=>true}"
#ruby_edit "$CONFIG_FILE" "['sniffer']" "{'sniffing'=>['tls','http']}"

#Array Demo:
#1--config path
#2--key name
#3--position(start from 0, end with -1)
#ruby_arr_insert "$CONFIG_FILE" "['dns']['nameserver']" "0" ""

#Array Add From Yaml File Demo:
#1--config path
#2--key name
#3--position(start from 0, end with -1)
#4--value file path
#5--value key name in #4 file
#ruby_arr_add_file "$CONFIG_FILE" "['dns']['fallback-filter']['ipcidr']" "0" "/etc/openclash/custom/openclash_custom_fallback_filter.yaml" "['fallback-filter']['ipcidr']"

Ruby Script Demo:

#ruby -ryaml -rYAML -I "/usr/share/openclash" -E UTF-8 -e "
#   begin
#      Value = YAML.load_file('$CONFIG_FILE');
#   rescue Exception => e
#      puts '${LOGTIME} Error: Load File Failed,【' + e.message + '】';
#   end;

#   begin
#      Value['redir-port']=7892;
#      Value['tproxy-port']=7895;
#      Value['port']=7890;
#      Value['socks-port']=7891;
#      Value['mixed-port']=7893;
#   }.join;

#   rescue Exception => e
#      puts '${LOGTIME} Error: Set General Failed,【' + e.message + '】';
#   ensure
#'$CONFIG_FILE','w') {|f| YAML.dump(Value, f)};
#   end" 2>/dev/null >> $LOG_FILE

exit 0

===================== 自定义防火墙设置 =====================


. /usr/share/openclash/ . /lib/

This script is called by /etc/init.d/openclash

Add your custom firewall rules here, they will be added after the end of the OpenClash iptables rules

LOG_OUT "Tip: Start Add Custom Firewall Rules..."

exit 0

===================== IPTABLES 防火墙设置 =====================

IPv4 NAT chain

Generated by iptables-save v1.8.7 on Sun Apr 16 16:38:22 2023

*nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [19821:1141969] :INPUT ACCEPT [18260:1024092] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [4434:305322] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [2507:183115] COMMIT

Completed on Sun Apr 16 16:38:22 2023

IPv4 Mangle chain

Generated by iptables-save v1.8.7 on Sun Apr 16 16:38:22 2023

*mangle :PREROUTING ACCEPT [269300:149462131] :INPUT ACCEPT [106071:30159330] :FORWARD ACCEPT [162789:119267178] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [116416:46243077] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [279208:165510411] COMMIT

Completed on Sun Apr 16 16:38:22 2023

IPv4 Filter chain

Generated by iptables-save v1.8.7 on Sun Apr 16 16:38:22 2023

*filter :INPUT ACCEPT [105950:30153174] :FORWARD ACCEPT [162789:119267178] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [116416:46243077] COMMIT

Completed on Sun Apr 16 16:38:22 2023

IPv6 NAT chain

IPv6 Mangle chain

Generated by ip6tables-save v1.8.7 on Sun Apr 16 16:38:22 2023

*mangle :PREROUTING ACCEPT [16169:6024249] :INPUT ACCEPT [4848:1047825] :FORWARD ACCEPT [11006:4938167] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [12941:8239270] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [23999:13180968] COMMIT

Completed on Sun Apr 16 16:38:22 2023

IPv6 Filter chain

Generated by ip6tables-save v1.8.7 on Sun Apr 16 16:38:22 2023

*filter :INPUT ACCEPT [4658:1033365] :FORWARD ACCEPT [10988:4936682] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [12941:8239270] COMMIT

Completed on Sun Apr 16 16:38:22 2023

===================== NFTABLES 防火墙设置 =====================

table inet fw4 { chain input { type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept; iifname "pppoe-wan" ip6 saddr != @localnetwork6 counter packets 552 bytes 148328 jump openclash_wan6_input udp dport 443 ip6 daddr != @china_ip6_route counter packets 0 bytes 0 reject with icmpv6 port-unreachable comment "OpenClash QUIC REJECT" udp dport 443 ip daddr != @china_ip_route counter packets 0 bytes 0 reject with icmp port-unreachable comment "OpenClash QUIC REJECT" iifname "pppoe-wan" ip saddr != @localnetwork counter packets 14120 bytes 8242792 jump openclash_wan_input iifname "lo" accept comment "!fw4: Accept traffic from loopback" ct state established,related accept comment "!fw4: Allow inbound established and related flows" tcp flags syn / fin,syn,rst,ack jump syn_flood comment "!fw4: Rate limit TCP syn packets" udp dport 9993 counter packets 64 bytes 5770 accept comment "!fw4: Allow-ZeroTier" iifname "br-lan" jump input_lan comment "!fw4: Handle lan IPv4/IPv6 input traffic" iifname "pppoe-wan" jump input_wan comment "!fw4: Handle wan IPv4/IPv6 input traffic" iifname "ztfp6lice3" jump input_zerozone comment "!fw4: Handle zerozone IPv4/IPv6 input traffic" } } table inet fw4 { chain forward { type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop; ct state established,related accept comment "!fw4: Allow forwarded established and related flows" iifname "br-lan" jump forward_lan comment "!fw4: Handle lan IPv4/IPv6 forward traffic" iifname "pppoe-wan" jump forward_wan comment "!fw4: Handle wan IPv4/IPv6 forward traffic" iifname "ztfp6lice3" jump forward_zerozone comment "!fw4: Handle zerozone IPv4/IPv6 forward traffic" jump handle_reject } } table inet fw4 { chain dstnat { type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept; ip6 daddr { 2001:4860:4860::8844, 2001:4860:4860::8888 } tcp dport 53 counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept comment "OpenClash Google DNS Hijack" ip daddr {, } tcp dport 53 counter packets 0 bytes 0 redirect to :7892 comment "OpenClash Google DNS Hijack" iifname "pppoe-wan" jump dstnat_wan comment "!fw4: Handle wan IPv4/IPv6 dstnat traffic" ip protocol tcp counter packets 942 bytes 50781 jump openclash } } table inet fw4 { chain srcnat { type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept; oifname "pppoe-wan" jump srcnat_wan comment "!fw4: Handle wan IPv4/IPv6 srcnat traffic" } } table inet fw4 { chain nat_output { type nat hook output priority filter - 1; policy accept; ip protocol tcp counter packets 323 bytes 19380 jump openclash_output } } table inet fw4 { chain mangle_prerouting { type filter hook prerouting priority mangle; policy accept; meta nfproto ipv6 jump openclash_mangle_v6 } } table inet fw4 { chain mangle_output { type route hook output priority mangle; policy accept; meta nfproto ipv6 counter packets 3515 bytes 5204348 jump openclash_mangle_output_v6 } } table inet fw4 { chain openclash { ip daddr @localnetwork counter packets 565 bytes 30524 return ip daddr @wan_ac_black_ips counter packets 0 bytes 0 return ip daddr @china_ip_route ip daddr != @china_ip_route_pass counter packets 354 bytes 19061 return ip protocol tcp counter packets 23 bytes 1196 redirect to :7892 } } table inet fw4 { chain openclash_output { ip daddr @localnetwork counter packets 122 bytes 7320 return meta skuid != 65534 ip daddr @wan_ac_black_ips counter packets 2 bytes 120 return meta skuid != 65534 ip daddr @china_ip_route ip daddr != @china_ip_route_pass counter packets 0 bytes 0 return ip protocol tcp meta skuid != 65534 counter packets 0 bytes 0 redirect to :7892 } } table inet fw4 { chain openclash_wan_input { udp dport { 7874, 7890, 7891, 7892, 7893, 7895, 9090 } counter packets 0 bytes 0 reject tcp dport { 7874, 7890, 7891, 7892, 7893, 7895, 9090 } counter packets 0 bytes 0 reject } } table inet fw4 { chain openclash_mangle_v6 { meta nfproto ipv6 udp sport 9993 counter packets 840 bytes 267096 return meta nfproto ipv6 udp sport 500 counter packets 0 bytes 0 return meta nfproto ipv6 udp sport 546 counter packets 0 bytes 0 return ip6 daddr @localnetwork6 counter packets 3145 bytes 2633179 return meta nfproto ipv6 udp dport 53 counter packets 0 bytes 0 return ip6 daddr @wan_ac_black_ipv6s counter packets 0 bytes 0 return ip6 daddr @china_ip6_route ip6 daddr != @china_ip6_route_pass counter packets 1541 bytes 388374 return meta nfproto ipv6 tcp dport 0-65535 meta mark set 0x00000162 tproxy ip6 to :7895 counter packets 1049 bytes 108334 accept comment "OpenClash TCP Tproxy" } } table inet fw4 { chain openclash_mangle_output_v6 { meta nfproto ipv6 udp sport 9993 counter packets 364 bytes 56308 return meta nfproto ipv6 udp sport 500 counter packets 0 bytes 0 return meta nfproto ipv6 udp sport 546 counter packets 0 bytes 0 return ip6 daddr @localnetwork6 counter packets 2382 bytes 5048778 return meta skuid != 65534 ip6 daddr @wan_ac_black_ipv6s counter packets 0 bytes 0 return meta skuid != 65534 ip6 daddr @china_ip6_route ip6 daddr != @china_ip6_route_pass counter packets 0 bytes 0 return meta nfproto ipv6 meta skuid != 65534 tcp dport 0-65535 meta mark set 0x00000162 } } table inet fw4 { chain openclash_wan6_input { udp dport { 7874, 7890, 7891, 7892, 7893, 7895, 9090 } counter packets 0 bytes 0 reject tcp dport { 7874, 7890, 7891, 7892, 7893, 7895, 9090 } counter packets 0 bytes 0 reject } }

===================== IPSET状态 =====================

===================== 路由表状态 =====================

route -n

Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 pppoe-wan UH 0 0 0 pppoe-wan U 0 0 0 ztfp6lice3 UG 5000 0 0 ztfp6lice3 UG 5000 0 0 ztfp6lice3 U 0 0 0 br-lan

ip route list

default via dev pppoe-wan proto static dev pppoe-wan proto kernel scope link src WAN IP.77 dev ztfp6lice3 proto kernel scope link src via dev ztfp6lice3 proto static metric 5000 via dev ztfp6lice3 proto static metric 5000 dev br-lan proto kernel scope link src

ip rule show

0: from all lookup local 32766: from all lookup main 32767: from all lookup default

===================== 端口占用状态 =====================

tcp 0 0 :::9090 ::: LISTEN 17095/clash tcp 0 0 :::7890 ::: LISTEN 17095/clash tcp 0 0 :::7891 ::: LISTEN 17095/clash tcp 0 0 :::7892 ::: LISTEN 17095/clash tcp 0 0 :::7893 ::: LISTEN 17095/clash tcp 0 0 :::7895 ::: LISTEN 17095/clash udp 0 0 :::7874 ::: 17095/clash udp 0 0 :::7891 ::: 17095/clash udp 0 0 :::7892 ::: 17095/clash udp 0 0 :::7893 ::: 17095/clash udp 0 0 :::7895 :::* 17095/clash

===================== 测试本机DNS查询( =====================

Server: Address:

Non-authoritative answer: canonical name = Name: Address: Name: Address:

Non-authoritative answer: canonical name =

===================== 测试内核DNS查询( =====================

Status: 0 TC: false RD: true RA: true AD: false CD: false

Question: Name: Qtype: 1 Qclass: 1

Answer: TTL: 125 data: name: type: 1

===================== resolv.conf.d =====================

Interface wan

nameserver nameserver

Interface wan6

nameserver 240e:14:6000::1 nameserver 240e:14:e000::1

===================== 测试本机网络连接( =====================

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Accept-Ranges: bytes Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, proxy-revalidate, no-transform Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 277 Content-Type: text/html Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2023 08:38:22 GMT Etag: "575e1f72-115" Last-Modified: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 02:50:26 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server: bfe/

===================== 测试本机网络下载( =====================

HTTP/2 200 cache-control: max-age=300 content-security-policy: default-src 'none'; style-src 'unsafe-inline'; sandbox content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 etag: "c70a723dcb28dc4964e857b658703247f7010343a61f1fde574d5fd11b0f1899" strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000 x-content-type-options: nosniff x-frame-options: deny x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block x-github-request-id: 2288:41C1:147B5D:1812B8:643AE531 accept-ranges: bytes date: Sun, 16 Apr 2023 08:38:28 GMT via: 1.1 varnish x-served-by: cache-qpg1274-QPG x-cache: HIT x-cache-hits: 1 x-timer: S1681634308.192859,VS0,VE1 vary: Authorization,Accept-Encoding,Origin access-control-allow-origin: * x-fastly-request-id: 46be4ac5b5a65f14f68619e19891c2d7ec024b80 expires: Sun, 16 Apr 2023 08:43:28 GMT source-age: 62 content-length: 83

===================== 最近运行日志(自动切换为Debug模式) =====================

2023-04-16 16:29:59 OpenClash Start Running... 2023-04-16 16:29:59 Step 1: Get The Configuration... 2023-04-16 16:29:59 Step 2: Check The Components... 2023-04-16 16:30:00 Tip: Because of the file【 /etc/config/openclash 】modificated, Pause quick start... 2023-04-16 16:30:00 Step 3: Modify The Config File... 2023-04-16 16:30:00 Tip: You have seted the authentication of SOCKS5/HTTP(S) proxy with【Clash:pfA5v0gz】 2023-04-16 16:30:01 Tip: Start Running Custom Overwrite Scripts... 2023-04-16 16:30:01 Step 4: Start Running The Clash Core... 2023-04-16 16:30:01 Tip: No Special Configuration Detected, Use Dev Core to Start... 2023-04-16 16:30:02 Step 5: Check The Core Status... time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="Start initial compatible provider 🐟 漏网之鱼" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="Start initial compatible provider ✈️ 即时通讯" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="Start initial compatible provider ♻️ 自动选择" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="Start initial compatible provider 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="Start initial compatible provider 🎮 游戏加速" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="Start initial compatible provider 🌍 国外媒体" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="Authentication of local server updated" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="HTTP proxy listening at: [::]:7890" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="RESTful API listening at: [::]:9090" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="SOCKS proxy listening at: [::]:7891" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="Redirect proxy listening at: [::]:7892" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="TProxy server listening at: [::]:7895" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="Mixed(http+socks) proxy listening at: [::]:7893" time="2023-04-16T08:30:02Z" level=info msg="DNS server listening at: [::]:7874" 2023-04-16 16:30:05 Step 6: Wait For The File Downloading... 2023-04-16 16:30:05 Step 7: Set Firewall Rules... 2023-04-16 16:30:05 Warning: Dnsmasq not Support nftset, Use ipset... 2023-04-16 16:30:05 Tip: DNS Hijacking is Disabled... 2023-04-16 16:30:05 Tip: Firewall4 was Detected, Use NFTABLE Rules... 2023-04-16 16:30:07 Tip: Start Add Port Bypassing Rules For Firewall Redirect and Firewall Rules... 2023-04-16 16:30:07 Tip: Start Add Custom Firewall Rules... 2023-04-16 16:30:07 Step 8: Restart Dnsmasq... time="2023-04-16T08:30:09Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:4523 --> match DomainKeyword(youtube) using 🌍 国外媒体" time="2023-04-16T08:30:09Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:4534 --> match DomainKeyword(youtube) using 🌍 国外媒体" 2023-04-16 16:30:14 Step 9: Add Cron Rules, Start Daemons... 2023-04-16 16:30:14 OpenClash Start Successful! time="2023-04-16T08:30:22Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e:379:2d2a:f700:5199:2481:ffc9:23b2]:4460 --> [2a03::25de]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a03:2880:f126:83:face:b00c:0:25de]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:22Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4464 --> [2a03:2880:f12c:183:face:b00c:0:25de]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a03:2880:f12c:183:face:b00c:0:25de]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:22Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4579 --> [2a03:2880:f107:83:face:b00c:0:25de]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a03:2880:f107:83:face:b00c:0:25de]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:22Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4472 --> [2a03:2880:f12c:183:face:b00c:0:25de]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a03:2880:f12c:183:face:b00c:0:25de]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:24Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DstPort(443) using 🐟 漏网之鱼[DIRECT]" time="2023-04-16T08:30:25Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainKeyword(github) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:30:25Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4691 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:25Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4690 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:27Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4711 --> [2a03:2880:f126:83:face:b00c:0:25de]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a03:2880:f126:83:face:b00c:0:25de]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:27Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4712 --> [2a03:2880:f12c:183:face:b00c:0:25de]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a03:2880:f12c:183:face:b00c:0:25de]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:27Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4713 --> [2a03:2880:f107:83:face:b00c:0:25de]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a03:2880:f107:83:face:b00c:0:25de]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:27Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4714 --> [2a03:2880:f12c:183:face:b00c:0:25de]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a03:2880:f12c:183:face:b00c:0:25de]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:30Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4726 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:30Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4727 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:33Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DstPort(443) using 🐟 漏网之鱼[DIRECT]" time="2023-04-16T08:30:35Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4742 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:36Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4743 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:40Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4800 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:41Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4847 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:44Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DstPort(443) using 🐟 漏网之鱼[DIRECT]" time="2023-04-16T08:30:44Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainSuffix( using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:30:44Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:4874 --> [2600:1901:0:47fc::]:443 match DstPort(443) using 🐟 漏网之鱼[DIRECT]" time="2023-04-16T08:30:45Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4856 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:45Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DstPort(443) using 🐟 漏网之鱼[DIRECT]" time="2023-04-16T08:30:46Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DstPort(443) using 🐟 漏网之鱼[DIRECT]" time="2023-04-16T08:30:47Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DstPort(443) using 🐟 漏网之鱼[DIRECT]" time="2023-04-16T08:30:50Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4880 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:54Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4885 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:55Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4892 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:30:59Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4895 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:31:00Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4896 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:31:05Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4901 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:31:10Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4911 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:31:15Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4915 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:31:17Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:4961 --> match DomainKeyword(google) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:31:20Z" level=warning msg="[TCP] dial 🐟 漏网之鱼 (match DstPort/443) [240e::23b2]:4956 --> [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443 error: dial tcp6 [2a00:1450:4001:82f::200a]:443: i/o timeout" time="2023-04-16T08:31:25Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainKeyword(google) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:31:27Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainKeyword(google) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:31:45Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DstPort(443) using 🐟 漏网之鱼[DIRECT]" time="2023-04-16T08:31:56Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainKeyword(google) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:32:17Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainKeyword(google) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:32:17Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:5058 --> match DomainKeyword(google) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:32:31Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:5065 --> match Domain( using DIRECT" time="2023-04-16T08:32:37Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainSuffix( using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:32:37Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainSuffix( using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:32:37Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainSuffix( using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:32:37Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainSuffix( using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:32:39Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainSuffix( using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:32:39Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:5084 --> match DomainSuffix( using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:32:39Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:5086 --> match DomainSuffix( using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:32:39Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:5085 --> match DomainSuffix( using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:32:39Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:5083 --> match DomainSuffix( using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:32:40Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DstPort(80) using 🐟 漏网之鱼[DIRECT]" time="2023-04-16T08:33:24Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainKeyword(github) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:33:24Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:5115 --> match DomainKeyword(youtube) using 🌍 国外媒体" time="2023-04-16T08:33:29Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DstPort(443) using 🐟 漏网之鱼[DIRECT]" time="2023-04-16T08:34:24Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainKeyword(github) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:36:02Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:5266 --> match DomainKeyword(youtube) using 🌍 国外媒体" time="2023-04-16T08:36:09Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:5273 --> match DomainKeyword(google) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:36:17Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:5277 --> match DomainKeyword(google) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:37:17Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match DomainKeyword(google) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:38:27Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::1]:36300 --> match DomainKeyword(github) using 🔰 节点选择" time="2023-04-16T08:38:35Z" level=debug msg="[Process] find process netlink receive: no such file or directory" time="2023-04-16T08:38:35Z" level=info msg="[TCP] [240e::23b2]:5412 --> match DstPort(443) using 🐟 漏网之鱼[DIRECT]"

===================== 最近运行日志获取完成(自动切换为silent模式) =====================

===================== 活动连接信息 =====================

  1. SourceIP:【240e::23b2】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【2600:1901:0:47fc::】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【443】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
  2. SourceIP:【240e:23b2】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
  3. SourceIP:【】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【443】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
  4. SourceIP:【】 - Host:【】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【443】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】
  5. SourceIP:【】 - Host:【Empty】 - DestinationIP:【】 - Network:【tcp】 - RulePayload:【443】 - Lastchain:【DIRECT】

### OpenClash Config

_No response_

### Expected Behavior


### Screenshots

_No response_
vernesong commented 1 year ago


paladin4fan commented 1 year ago


切换一轮正常了 Thanks