verri / sledge

SLEDge: semantic evaluation of clustering results
MIT License
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Functions and utilities #1

Open verri opened 3 years ago

verri commented 3 years ago

Let's discuss here which functions the package should provide.

Based on the paper, I think the following are a must-have:

Another optional function that I think of, is something like sledge_matrix that returns the values of S, L, E, and D for each cluster (that is, before aggregation with the harmonic mean.) However, this functionality can be incorporated in sledge_score with some trigger.

verri commented 3 years ago

Since, conceptually, sledge_score would call sledge_descriptors, it also makes sense to provide a variation of the sledge_score function that has as arguments the output of sledge_descriptors. Maybe something like:

verri commented 3 years ago

Moreover, given the desired smooth integration with sklearn, while implementing/documenting we should expect arguments compatible with the outputs of the clustering techniques implemented there. Also, it is wise to use similar parameter names.

verri commented 3 years ago

I think we should provide at least auxiliary functions to plot the “SLEDge curve” for a given cluster.

I vote for producing some output that is easily fed by matplotlib. Then, we write some tutorials to create the plot itself (like sklearn does.)

verri commented 3 years ago

Taking a look at sklearn's documentation, I suggest a minor change:


verri commented 3 years ago

Even better: