versatica / JsSIP

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Error when getting video track status on Firefox #839

Open dragos-boisteanu opened 9 months ago

dragos-boisteanu commented 9 months ago

When I use session.connection.getStats(videoTrack) I am receiving the following error: DOMException: track must be associated with a unique sender or receiver, but is associated with 0 senders and 0 receivers.

This only happens on Firefox, on Edge, Chrome and Electron it works well

Here is how I use the method.

session.connection.ontrack = async function (event) {
      session.connection.ontrack = null

      const stream = event.streams[0]
      const videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks()

      remoteAudio.srcObject = stream

      const stats = await session.connection.getStats(videoTrack)

Thank you