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Error when trying to change the microphone during a call #849

Closed SPDSirGuiL closed 5 months ago

SPDSirGuiL commented 5 months ago

I'm having problems changing the microphone during the call, using this code:

` const localStream = session.connection.getLocalStreams()[0] const audioTracks = localStream.getAudioTracks()

audioTracks.forEach((track: MediaStreamTrack) => { track.stop() })

const constraints = { audio: { deviceId: { exact: microphoneId } }, }

navigator.mediaDevices .getUserMedia(constraints) .then((newStream) => { session.connection.removeStream(localStream) session.connection.addStream(newStream)

  const renegotiationOptions = {
    useUpdate: true,
    mediaStream: newStream,
    mediaConstraints: { audio: constraints },
    RTCOfferOptions: { audio: constraints },

  session.renegotiate(renegotiationOptions, () => {
    console.log('Sessão renegociada com sucesso.')
.catch((error) => {
  console.error('Erro ao alterar o dispositivo de áudio:', error)


But there is completely no sound from the microphone when using this. How do I change the microphone during the call?

ibc commented 5 months ago

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