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Make Node tests independent (part 4) #1298

Closed ibc closed 8 months ago

ibc commented 8 months ago

Tests adapted:

ibc commented 8 months ago

CI failing here, interesting:

It doesn't fail in macOs, only in Linux. This is the failing test with "InvalidStateError: Channel closed":

test('Consumer emits "score"', async () =>
    const audioConsumer = await ctx.transport2!.consume(
            producerId      : ctx.audioProducer!.id,
            rtpCapabilities : ctx.consumerDeviceCapabilities

    // Private API.
    const channel = audioConsumer.channelForTesting;
    const onScore = jest.fn();

    audioConsumer.on('score', onScore);

    // Simulate a 'score' notification coming through the channel.
    const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder();
    const consumerScore = new FbsConsumer.ConsumerScoreT(9, 10, [ 8 ]);
    const consumerScoreNotification = new FbsConsumer.ScoreNotificationT(consumerScore);
    const notificationOffset = Notification.createNotification(


    const notification = Notification.getRootAsNotification(
        new flatbuffers.ByteBuffer(builder.asUint8Array())

    channel.emit(, Event.CONSUMER_SCORE, notification);
    channel.emit(, Event.CONSUMER_SCORE, notification);
    channel.emit(, Event.CONSUMER_SCORE, notification);

        { score: 9, producerScore: 10, producerScores: [ 8 ] });
}, 2000);

NOTE: It doesn't fail in Docker Ubuntu 22.04 in my host.

ibc commented 8 months ago

UPDATE: Ignore this comment.

I'll make an important question, maybe too late:

Is it guaranteed that all Node tests in same file run one after each other from top to the bottom? All the TestContext stuff is done assuming that.

AUTO-ANSWER: It's guaranteed that all tests within a file run sequentially. So false alarm. Ignore this entire comment.

ibc commented 8 months ago

Interestingly, a similar test in test-Producer() does reliably work:

test('Producer emits "score"', async () =>
    const videoProducer =
        await ctx.transport2!.produce(ctx.videoProducerParameters);

    // Private API.
    const channel = videoProducer.channelForTesting;
    const onScore = jest.fn();

    videoProducer.on('score', onScore);

    // Simulate a 'score' notification coming through the channel.
    const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder();
    const producerScoreNotification = new FbsProducer.ScoreNotificationT(
            new FbsProducer.ScoreT(
                /* encodingIdx */ 0,
                /* ssrc */ 11,
                /* rid */ undefined,
                /* score */ 10
            new FbsProducer.ScoreT(
                /* encodingIdx */ 1,
                /* ssrc */ 22,
                /* rid */ undefined,
                /* score */ 9
    const notificationOffset = Notification.createNotification(


    const notification = Notification.getRootAsNotification(
        new flatbuffers.ByteBuffer(builder.asUint8Array())

    channel.emit(, Event.PRODUCER_SCORE, notification);
    channel.emit(, Event.PRODUCER_SCORE, notification);
    channel.emit(, Event.PRODUCER_SCORE, notification);

            { ssrc: 11, rid: undefined, score: 10, encodingIdx: 0 },
            { ssrc: 22, rid: undefined, score: 9, encodingIdx: 1 }
}, 2000);
ibc commented 8 months ago

It's random, sometimes it works on Ubuntu 22.04 and then it fails on Ubuntu 20.04:

ibc commented 8 months ago

So it fails even like this:

test('Consumer emits "score"', async () =>
    const audioConsumer = await ctx.transport2!.consume(
            producerId      : ctx.audioProducer!.id,
            rtpCapabilities : ctx.consumerDeviceCapabilities

    // Private API.
    // const channel = audioConsumer.channelForTesting;
    // const onScore = jest.fn();

    // audioConsumer.on('score', onScore);

    // Simulate a 'score' notification coming through the channel.
    const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder();
    const consumerScore = new FbsConsumer.ConsumerScoreT(9, 10, [ 8 ]);
    const consumerScoreNotification =
        new FbsConsumer.ScoreNotificationT(consumerScore);
    const notificationOffset = Notification.createNotification(


    // const notification = Notification.getRootAsNotification(
    //  new flatbuffers.ByteBuffer(builder.asUint8Array())
    // );

    // channel.emit(, Event.CONSUMER_SCORE, notification);
    // channel.emit(, Event.CONSUMER_SCORE, notification);
    // channel.emit(, Event.CONSUMER_SCORE, notification);

    // expect(onScore).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);
    // expect(audioConsumer.score).toEqual(
    //  { score: 9, producerScore: 10, producerScores: [ 8 ] });
}, 2000);

This doesn't make any sense.

BTW the stderr of the test says:

  ● Consumer emits "score"

    InvalidStateError: Channel closed

      399 |                 close : () =>
      400 |                 {
    > 401 |                     pReject(new InvalidStateError('Channel closed'));
          |                             ^
      402 |                 }
      403 |             };
      404 |

      at Object.close (node/src/Channel.ts:401:14)
      at Channel.close (node/src/Channel.ts:232:9)
      at Worker.close (node/src/Worker.ts:570:17)
      at Object.<anonymous> (node/src/test/test-Consumer.ts:277:14)

Line 277 in test-Consumer.ts is this one:

afterEach(() =>
    ctx.worker?.close(); // <--- line 277

It looks like `worker.close()` is **crashing**??? because worker was already closed (due to a crash) but Node didn't know yet???
ibc commented 8 months ago

Main difference between this branch and v3 in test-Consumer.ts is that in v3 we create a unique worker for the whole test file which in this branch we create a separate worker per test() and close it in afterEach hook.

jmillan commented 8 months ago

I would run the tests locally, in Docker, and enable logs, filter tests to dig further. I can't say from the top of my head what may be happening, but it indeed seems there may be a crash? and that's why the worker is closed?

ibc commented 8 months ago

I would run the tests locally, in Docker, and enable logs, filter tests to dig further. I can't say from the top of my head what may be happening, but it indeed seems there may be a crash? and that's why the worker is closed?

As I said above I cannot reproduce in Docker. BTW:

I'll do one more thing.

ibc commented 8 months ago

So the problem was that an unhandled rejection in a random test makes Jest fail later in any other random test.