versioned / versioned-api

Versioned REST API
MIT License
11 stars 4 forks source link

Out of date + security vulnerabilities #16

Open Download opened 3 years ago

Download commented 3 years ago

npm install reports thousands of vulnerabilities:

found 46828 vulnerabilities (24155 low, 15 moderate, 22658 high) in 895 scanned packages
  run `npm audit fix` to fix 46828 of them.

This is because many packages are outdated:

npm outdated
Package                 Current  Wanted        Latest  Location
@sendgrid/mail            6.3.1   6.3.1         7.4.5  versioned2
ajv                      6.12.0  6.12.0         8.6.2  versioned2
algoliasearch            3.29.0  3.29.0        4.10.3  versioned2
axios                    0.19.2  0.19.2        0.21.1  versioned2
eslint                   4.18.2  4.18.2        7.31.0  versioned2
eslint-config-standard   11.0.0  11.0.0        16.0.3  versioned2
eslint-plugin-import     2.17.2  2.23.4        2.23.4  versioned2
eslint-plugin-node        6.0.1   6.0.1        11.1.0  versioned2
eslint-plugin-promise     3.8.0   3.8.0         5.1.0  versioned2
eslint-plugin-standard    3.1.0   3.1.0         5.0.0  versioned2
graphql                  14.0.2  14.0.2        15.5.1  versioned2
graphql-type-json         0.2.1   0.2.1         0.3.2  versioned2
jest                     25.1.0  25.1.0        27.0.6  versioned2
mongodb                   3.5.5   3.5.5         4.0.1  versioned2
nodemon                   2.0.2   2.0.2        2.0.12  versioned2
swagger-ui-dist          3.13.3  3.13.3  4.0.0-beta.1  versioned2

Will make a PR for this.

Download commented 3 years ago

I will first have to address #17