Problem: While attempting to configure Bugzilla information within the ServiceHostConfigtool, an exception is thrown and will not display page for BZ info.
1) Download the latest BZ distribution. Ver 8.4.2
2) Click ServiceHostConfigTool.exe and enter VersionOne server connection information and click "Validate"
3) After successful validation, attempt to click the leaf object "Bugzilla" on the left panel
4) Observe and exception being thrown. (See attached png)
Problem: While attempting to configure Bugzilla information within the ServiceHostConfigtool, an exception is thrown and will not display page for BZ info.
Reproduce: 1) Download the latest BZ distribution. Ver 8.4.2 2) Click ServiceHostConfigTool.exe and enter VersionOne server connection information and click "Validate" 3) After successful validation, attempt to click the leaf object "Bugzilla" on the left panel 4) Observe and exception being thrown. (See attached png)
FYI: This is a showstopper for configuration