Open galderz opened 11 years ago
For what it's worth, I have some internal code for this that supports fatjar packaging and in-place execution of the module. I'm still working on this (it's implemented as part of an internal project), but I've posted the current version here for perusal/comment/mockery:
@landonf I had a look and looks pretty good already :).
One thing I'd like to see in place is the ability to run a Vert.x verticle. In an SBT project, this would normally be running a full Verticle class (as opposed to the sample scripts (see example) we have created for the examples). This Verticle class would be compiled and then it'd be started with the ScalaVerticleFactory passing the fully qualified class name as parameter. If you have doubts on this, ping me on IRC (freenode, #vertx channel)
Let us know when you're ready to show it to us. Maybe you can do a little demo when you've finished?
Removed unnecessary comments :). @landonf How's the plugin working for you since the last time you posted it?
A separate module containing an SBT Vert.x plugin is needed. This would enable Vert.x Scala applications to be run directly from the SBT console.
Just like Spray (via their SBT Revolver plugin) or Play 2 web apps, a subtask here would be to be able to be able to detect changes in the source files and be able to recompile and restart the Vert.x app on the fly.