vert-x3 / eclipse-proposal-wip

Proposal for Eclipse Vert.x work in progress
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Move project website to #6

Open waynebeaton opened 8 years ago

waynebeaton commented 8 years ago

The project's website should be moved to

All existing web properties (e.g. should redirect here.

Note that the custom website is still possible. In the absence of a website implementation, the current URL redirects to the automatically-generated "PMI" website.

cescoffier commented 8 years ago

What are the hosting features ? Can we run a docker container ? A JVM ? What about file access / upload ?

Even if our web site is very simple right now, we have on the roadmap improvements requiring more advanced features.

Something we can do without any issue is to redirect to a server we manage (as

It would make sense to me to keep the PMI web site for more formal information about the project. Would this still be possible ?

pmlopes commented 8 years ago

I can see that the project websites at eclipse all follow the same template, this seems nice for eclipse since all projects are organized the same way so a visitor of eclipse website will feel its navigation natural.

If I've to look at current vert.x website we provide a different kind of information, sure we provide releases and docs but we also include a blog, javadocs and as @cescoffier said we were considering of having live examples which would require a real JVM running, etc...

A quick look at the site also shows that this is probably not a hard requirement, e.g.: Eclipse IoT, a look at returns a 404 the project description has a link to a Website which redirects to a different host under the DNS name I think we could have the same, a landing page such: and redirect to

purplefox commented 8 years ago

Oh no, please do not do this. It would be a hugely regressive move. is a key part of the Vert.x brand. We have an extremely cool website which is streets ahead of the Eclipse template driven sites.

Converting to a "standard" Eclipse site would be a huge step backwards!

purplefox commented 8 years ago

I agree with clement - I think redirecting to a server we manage (as makes a lot more sense. That means those few people who do somehow end up on the Eclipse Vert.x page don't scratch their heads and wonder where the real web-site is.

vietj commented 8 years ago

Some projects on have their own branding (, so we are aware we have some customization capabilities. However I don't think that being an Eclipse project should prevent us to have our own website that we manage.

If the current is unpleasant, we should for sure improve it and perhaps provide an adapted lightweight copy of with more organizational info about the project, or a redirection to .

I think we can be Eclipse Vert.x and retain control on our website because this is an important part of being a competitive open source project in 2016. Otherwise you remove from Vert.x an important asset and hinder its competitiveness.

purplefox commented 8 years ago

I don't think it makes any sense to maintain two web-sites. We have a great web-site which a lot of work went into and which does that job well.

If it's not broken, why fix it?

maxandersen commented 8 years ago

@purplefox there is one thing that is broken and that is - its a wasteland, I hope we are all okey fixing that :)

I don't think there are anyone saying vertx wont have control over the content and what is served on it. i.e. eclipse orion has a running vm for its demo site, i.e. also has own branding etc. with some basic requirements on ensuring the eclipse project management links are accessible from it etc.

I think sites like that "pops out" and has its own style/identity is important. But is it absolutely important wether the final page base url is ? (personally I don't give minus points to a project just because it is a sub page of something - it is the content and "uptodateness" of the page that counts to me)

Making at least have content I think is good - but there are a few ways to do that.

a) redirect to b) redirect to (and still use the same content and mechaism to generate it as before) c) having and contain the same content but just generated with two different base urls.

if you can still host the exact same things and there is a way to setup things like would that not be ok ? i.e. the only thing changing is that the base url is as opposed to ?

purplefox commented 8 years ago

I don't see any need to change, as I said before - if it's not broken don't fix it!

I think the only change should be in which should redirect to

waynebeaton commented 8 years ago

My apologies for the delay.

The primary project website needs to be at This needs to be the go-to website for information about contributing, content for committers and adopters, and downloads. The reason is simple: independence. The content on the Eclipse servers is owned by the Eclipse Foundation, not an individual or company. I'm not even sure who owns the keys for can redirect to the or, you can set it up as a user portal as an augment to the content on

FWIW, I'm pretty sure that the content on as it sits today can just be rehosted on the eclipse server (you don't have to conform to any specific layout or technology). The webpage footers may require some adjustment to include e.g. EF terms of use and copyright notices.

purplefox commented 8 years ago

I'm not even sure who owns the keys for

You do. And it's somewhat concerning that you're not aware of the fact!

purplefox commented 8 years ago

Denis Roy is in control of the DNS for - you can contact him for further details.

waynebeaton commented 8 years ago

You do. And it's somewhat concerning that you're not aware of the fact!

Calm your fears. The Eclipse Webmaster owns the name and knows where it points.

Where is the website content source?

vietj commented 8 years ago

The website is a GitHub repository :

It provides a simple, easy and powerful way to update the content.

vietj commented 8 years ago

The Eclipse Golo project is allowed to have its own website and not a redirection to the website:

This website is hosted by a GitHub repository like Vert.x :

Exactly the same situation than for Vert.x

waynebeaton commented 8 years ago

Thanks for pointing that out. I'll connect with the Golo project to ensure that they also conform.

jponge commented 8 years ago

@waynebeaton I think you have some email from me regarding Golo and its possible graduation that hasn't been answered. We're doing our best to play by the Eclipse rules and cope with issues like slow CQ processing, but sometimes I feel like we are not as important as some projects can be. We are still looking for concrete support actions from the Foundation. Efforts should be done by all parties I think.

Anyway we had it granted that was transferred to the Eclipse Foundation ownership, that the Foundation would deal with the DNS and that we could keep on publishing the pages with GitHub pages on

We can certainly get to compliance with the footers to put it in like with the Foundation requirements, like linking to the Copyright Agent and so on.

But let's discuss it on golo-dev and not pollute our friends at vert.x.

purplefox commented 8 years ago

"Make sure they conform". That statement would be hilarious if it wasn't so desperately sad. This isn't Soviet Russia.

It pretty much sums out how out of touch Eclipse is with how to foster dynamic communities in the 21st century.

I'm just glad I don't have to deal with this on a day to day basis any more. But I feel sorry for Julien and the rest of the team who are getting beaten with the stick now.

maxandersen commented 8 years ago

@jponge please feel free to ping me about issues around Golo and I'll help where I can.

jponge commented 8 years ago

@maxandersen :+1: