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Why eventbus can't use consul to service registration and discovery #432

Closed RyougiNevermore closed 5 years ago

RyougiNevermore commented 5 years ago

In this page . Wrote ‘’Only http-endpoint is supported for now.‘’ But when without consul bridge, supported? That means only supported in Hazelcast Cluster, IS IT? I know it is a long connection, NOT A HTTP. But using a connection pool will be much graceful. # #

tsegismont commented 5 years ago

@cescoffier any idea?

cescoffier commented 5 years ago

The documentation just means that right now only services with the type "http.endpoint" are imported. So, if in your Consul you have a service, it will be imported. If it detects it as an HTTP endpoint, it will compute the right set of metadata (SSL, location...).

RyougiNevermore commented 5 years ago

got it, it is a bridge. So I can register a Vertx HTTP endpoint into consul services, instead of using discovery service to publish a record. the consul bridge will import the http endpoint into Hazelcast. is that doable? let me try it. cause, i want to use golang to make a http gateway server with consul.