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JWK doesn't support certificate chain #540

Closed develrulez closed 3 years ago

develrulez commented 3 years ago

Hi, as stated in, the certificate chains (x5c) in a JWK only allow a single element chain. Why so? Our company's OIDC compliant server has a certificate chain with all the CAs embedded. But the class io.vertx.ext.jwt.JWK throws an exception in this case...

if (json.containsKey("x5c")) {
    JsonArray x5c = json.getJsonArray("x5c");
    if (x5c.size() > 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Certificate Chain length > 1 is not supported");

    CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
    this.certificate = (X509Certificate)cf.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(this.addBoundaries(x5c.getString(0)).getBytes(UTF8)));

Couldn't it just pick the first certificate ignoring the others in the chain and try to validate the token against that? Right now we're trying to test io.quarkus:quarkus-oidc:1.6.1.Final which includes io.vertx:vertx-auth-oauth2:3.9.1.

dirien commented 3 years ago

we can confirm this behaviour.

pmlopes commented 3 years ago

Webauthn supports this. I'll refactor oauth2 to also support it.

develrulez commented 3 years ago

Wonderful, would it also be possible to create a fix for the 3.9.x stream? Because I don't know if the Quarkus people are ready for a major release change of 3.9.x to 4.x in the near future.

pmlopes commented 3 years ago

I can't promise anything on that field as webauthn is a 4.0 feature, it all depends on how hard is to backport.

pmlopes commented 3 years ago

The main branch for 4.0.0 was already supporting chains, I've ensured that the validation is consistent (and performed the same way across all handlers)

pmlopes commented 3 years ago

@dirien I've pushed to the 3.9 branch of vertx-auth a fix to allows certificate chains in JWKs endpoints. Can you run some tests on your side?

develrulez commented 3 years ago

Hi @pmlopes, please excuse the late response. I've missed your hint for the fix. It works perfectly well with the version 3.9.5-SNAPSHOT. Thanks a lot! When can we expect a release of this version and more important an update of vertx-auth in a new Quarkus version?

pmlopes commented 3 years ago

Hi @develrulez releases are managed by @vietj , maybe he may give an estimate on a date