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EventLoop strange phenomenon #544

Closed PrintTree closed 3 years ago

PrintTree commented 3 years ago

I‘m new to Vert.x,and write some code like simple example,and I find a strange phenomenon of EventLoop thread.

public final class Bootstrap {

    private static final int CORE_NUMBER;

    private static final VertxOptions VERTX_OPTIONS;
    private static final Vertx VERTX;

    private static final DeploymentOptions HTTP_SERVER_DEPLOYMENT_OPTIONS;

    static {


        VERTX_OPTIONS = new VertxOptions();

        VERTX = Vertx.vertx(VERTX_OPTIONS);

        HTTP_SERVER_DEPLOYMENT_OPTIONS = new DeploymentOptions();

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        VERTX.deployVerticle("org.x.HttpServer", HTTP_SERVER_DEPLOYMENT_OPTIONS, ar -> {
            System.out.println("???"); //this never print

public class HttpServer extends AbstractVerticle {

    public void start(Promise<Void> startPromise) throws Exception {

        Router router = Router.router(vertx);
        String content = "I'm " + this + " thread: " + Thread.currentThread() + " router: " + router;

        router.get("/").handler(context -> {

        vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(router).listen(80, ar -> {
            if(ar.succeeded()) {
                System.out.println("server start " + this);
            } else {

When I start application,the console print the core number as 12,and 12 server start messages printed as I expected.

12 server start org.x.HttpServer@4637a165 server start org.xHttpServer@15838c55 server start org.x.HttpServer@2c4a18da server start org.x.HttpServer@50cda176 server start org.x.HttpServer@53ea4d2e server start org.x.HttpServer@2dc648b9 server start org.x.HttpServer@4d454184 server start org.x.HttpServer@74e7f992 server start org.x.HttpServer@53f43fb6 server start org.x.HttpServer@e76b6b1 server start org.x.HttpServer@5645ce63 server start org.x.HttpServer@5219cd4c

Then I ran Java visualVM to see thread,and something strange happened,there are only 6 vert.x-enevtloop-thread ! What's even more strange is that when I ran jmeter to send concurrent requests, there are only 4 thread handle request! The other 2 are missing!And when I use postman to send request one by one,there is only one thread handle my request......

Maybe this isn't an issue,but who can tell me if I did something wrong?

PrintTree commented 3 years ago

Well,one thing I known is that my jmeter thread group has 4 thread,and there are only 4 thread handle request.When I set jmeter thread number to 6,there are 6 thread handle request! But I'm still wondering why only six event loop threads have been created?

PrintTree commented 3 years ago

From more test,I found that EventLoop thread number is determined by setEventLoopPoolSize and setInstances method.Most importantly, setting odd and even numbers makes a big difference.First I setInstances(24) and remain unchanged.Then I setEventLoopPoolSize(20),setEventLoopPoolSize(21),setEventLoopPoolSize(27).These settings create different numbers of threads 10,21,24.

PrintTree commented 3 years ago

And my Maven GAV is


parit commented 3 years ago

I think you need to call startPromise.complete() in if(ar.succeeded()) { ... } block to indicate the tool-chain above that the verticle is deployed.

PrintTree commented 3 years ago

I think you need to call startPromise.complete() in if(ar.succeeded()) { ... } block to indicate the tool-chain above that the verticle is deployed.

Thanks,I call that method and then it works. But EventLoopThread problem still there. I think it has something to do with netty's thread creation mechanism,and I'm looking at netty's source code to find out why. In any case, this is very strange, because I set the size of the thread pool, but the number of threads in it is not the same as what I specified.

tsegismont commented 3 years ago

There are 4 threads handling requests because, even if you deploy 6 instances of your worker verticle, you've configured the worker pool size to 4.

I would recommend to read the intro to Vert.x for Java devs:

Then for questions such as this one, it's better to send them to the user forum (see because not everyone in the community is subscribed to GH issues.

Happy hacking!

PrintTree commented 3 years ago

There are 4 threads handling requests because, even if you deploy 6 instances of your worker verticle, you've configured the worker pool size to 4.

I would recommend to read the intro to Vert.x for Java devs:

Then for questions such as this one, it's better to send them to the user forum (see because not everyone in the community is subscribed to GH issues.

Happy hacking!

Unfortunately, I think the request handling is in EventLoopThread because the response show that. The response like this: I'm org.x.HttpServer@fc79dd9 thread: Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-12,5,main] router: RouterImpl@16806481{vertx=io.vertx.core.impl.VertxImpl@4444fe7c, state=RouterState{routes=null, orderSequence=0, errorHandlers=null, modifiedHandler=null}} It shows that the current thread is EventLoopThread,right?Did I miss something?

I've read the documentation you mentioned, but I haven't found much explanation for the threading problem.BTW,even if I set the workPoolSize to 1,the request handle thread number is also the same as jmeter thread,so this is actually a useless setup,because the HttpServer I written is called Standard Verticle?

tsegismont commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the confusion. Indeed it's not a worker verticle but a standard verticle.

So because you deploy 6 instances of the verticle, Vert.x assigns a different event loop to each of them. This is why you see 6 event loop threads handling requests even if the maximum is 12.

Then if you see only 4 of them handling requests while running JMeter, it may be because it creates 4 long lived HTTP connections. Indeed, Vert.x load balances connections between verticle instances, not requests.

PrintTree commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the confusion. Indeed it's not a worker verticle but a standard verticle.

So because you deploy 6 instances of the verticle, Vert.x assigns a different event loop to each of them. This is why you see 6 event loop threads handling requests even if the maximum is 12.

Then if you see only 4 of them handling requests while running JMeter, it may be because it creates 4 long lived HTTP connections. Indeed, Vert.x load balances connections between verticle instances, not requests.

I post a question on stackoverflow Firstly,I want to know how vertx create threads(It creates the wrong number of threads).Thanks for your help!

PrintTree commented 3 years ago

I read source code and maybe find an answer: I will create a new issue.