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Migration to Vert.x 4 guide
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Vertx Redis Client - io.vertx.redis.op.SetOptions is removed in 4.X.X. Which API's we should use to pass PX, EX, NX etc. options #71

Closed sac10nikam closed 1 year ago

sac10nikam commented 1 year ago


Vertx Redis Client - io.vertx.redis.op.SetOptions is removed in 4.X.X. Which API's we should use to pass PX, EX, NX options to RedisClient? Also

What is to be used for io.vertx.redis.RedisClient.setWithOptions in vertx redis client 4.0.0


Which version(s) did you encounter this bug ? Vertx redis client - 4.0.0


import io.vertx.redis.op.SetOptions not available as part of 4.0.0 Vertx Redis client dependency

Do you have a reproducer?

Just check Vertx Redis Client APIs and find out io.vertx.redis.op.SetOptions

Steps to reproduce

Migrate/set your Vertx Redis Client version to 4.0.0 and look out for a class Just check Vertx Redis Client APIs and find out io.vertx.redis.op.SetOptions



pendula95 commented 1 year ago

This was removed as all the options can be passed as arguments of each command. Idea is to follow Redis Spec as close as possible and not to introduce overhead and additional wrapping commands. So how you see commands via Redis Commands you should use them 1:1 in Vert.x Redis Client

Example Redis Command: SET key value [ NX | XX] [GET] [ EX seconds | PX milliseconds | EXAT unix-time-seconds | PXAT unix-time-milliseconds | KEEPTTL]

Example Vert.x Redis Client Usage: RedisConnection.send(Request.cmd(Command.SET).arg("testKey").arg("testValue").arg("EX").arg("15"))

Example Vert.x Redis API Usage: RedisAPI.set(List.of("testKey","testValue","EX","15"))

sac10nikam commented 1 year ago

Thanks @pendula95 . I appreciate your quick help.

sac10nikam commented 1 year ago

Thanks @pendula95