vert-x3 / vertx-mysql-postgresql-client

This client is deprecated - use instead
Apache License 2.0
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UpdateResult getKeys method is retuning empty #167

Open jgutierreznab opened 4 years ago

jgutierreznab commented 4 years ago

Hi guys, first, thank you so much for this amazing framework.

updateWithParams UpdateResult getKeys methods is returning an empty array, not sure if this is important => from 2017

I'm currently under <vertx.version>3.8.3</vertx.version>


connection type is SQLConnection

String execQuery = "INSERT INTO users(username, email, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?) RETURNING (id)";

the query is valid and is inserting properly in the Pg table

connection.updateWithParams(execQuery, queryParams, h -> {
  if (h.succeeded()) {

     UpdateResult result = h.result();
     System.out.println("result.getUpdated() => " + result.getKeys());


also tried with .setOptions(new SQLOptions().setAutoGeneratedKeys(true)) with no luck

connection.setOptions(new SQLOptions().setAutoGeneratedKeys(true)).updateWithParams(execQuery, queryParams, h -> {

thank you very much for the amazing work

garrydias commented 4 years ago

Same problem here. setAutoGeneratedKeys(true) is unsupported operation and raises an exception. The version i'm using is 3.8.5. Is there any workarounds?

jgutierreznab commented 4 years ago

@garrydias probably using the ReactiveJDBC will solve it