vert-x3 / vertx-service-proxy

EventBus Proxy generation
Apache License 2.0
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Allow pluggable marshallers #17

Closed purplefox closed 3 years ago

purplefox commented 9 years ago

Generated proxies currently always encode/decode the request/response to/from JSON.

This is nice and interoperable and allows services to be easily called by just sending messages directly on the event bus, but it is not necessarily very efficient.

We should abstract out the marshalling code and allow it to be pluggable. So that, for example an efficient binary encoding can be used (or whatever), if the user prefers that.

msavy commented 9 years ago

I wonder if it might even be possible to make this play nicely with Google's Protocol-Buffers - that would be very exciting because it can generate an optimised binary format for a given input/output (and generate the marshalling/unmarshalling code). Possibly too complicated to implement for the short term. I think this could be big performance win for Vert.x.

See also:

purplefox commented 9 years ago

+1 no reason why any particular marshalling implementation couldn't use google protobufs if it liked

jebbench commented 8 years ago

Has there been any progress on this? I'd like to use Jackson for marshaling my DataObjects but with the exception of the toJson method this seems quite tricky to implement currently.

vietj commented 8 years ago

no progress so far as nobody has contributed or planned to contribute this feature yet

diliuskh commented 7 years ago

Hi. I was able to use service-proxy with kotlin data classes marked with @DataObject using kryo library. There were some workarounds required to pull it off. vertx-codegen requires implementation of JsonObject toJson()(ProxyModel class in codegen checks for this method, so couldn't get rid of it) method for data objects. So the method was moved to common interface with default method implementation that uses io.vertx.core.json.Json.mapper.convertValue internally. The public constructor with JsonObject argument required by DataObjectModel class in codegen and is used in .templ files in vertx-service-proxy. Skipping data object proccessing during compilation solves one problem and adding modified versions of .templ files + customized ProxyHandler and implementation of MessageCodec solves the other.

diliuskh commented 7 years ago

Perhaps adding new annotation with usage something along the lines @ProxySerializable(MyMessageCodec.class) would be a good start and keeping @DataObject as is forbackward compatibility.

stephanebastian commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am interested in this topic and may contribute something once I fully understand what need to be done. Right now, we already have the interface MessageCodec<S, R> to send arbitrary Pojo to/from the event bus. Therefore I am puzzled as to what we need to do:

My opinion at that time is that it would make sens to always use a MessageCodec to send arbitrary Pojo (including DataObject) to/from the event bus. Any take on this ?

vietj commented 6 years ago

@stephanebastian agree we should define properly the goals and non goals of this issue

vietj commented 6 years ago

I think the original goal is performance

vietj commented 6 years ago

I think that the encoding would be done externally, concerning the constructor, I think we would use the empty constructor when it's available otherwise the json constructor with an empty object

vietj commented 6 years ago

perhaps we can look at the event bus interceptors to implement this

vietj commented 6 years ago

perhaps the one thing is to define a target efficient codec for POJO that we can use and see how it can be used

vietj commented 6 years ago

with interceptor : basically the code would just set the object on the message and the interceptor would take care of encoding/decoding it to/from a buffer

vietj commented 6 years ago

btw : what I'm saying are just thoughts out loud :-)

InfoSec812 commented 5 years ago

Hmmm.... This has been sitting for a while, but I wanted to add a use case.. For an application I am writing, the user will be uploading large files (Photos/Videos) and I would prefer to use ServiceProxy to keep the code simple to understand and modular. It would be great if we could just pass Buffer as a type to a Service Proxy method. Then the user can implement the decoding of that Buffer however they like.

eutkin commented 5 years ago

Hello. This is an example MessageCodec for an event bus for serializing an array of arguments. But there is one nuance. Event Bus does not provide information about registered user codecs.


eutkin commented 5 years ago

supporting me, please :)

slinkydeveloper commented 5 years ago

I close as it's solved by new JsonCodecs in vertx-codegen

pjeziorowski commented 4 years ago

Hello, please re-open the issue as JsonCodec does not solve the underlying problem

Also, this one seems like a duplicate / is closely related #8

mohamnag commented 4 years ago

not sure about the JsonCodec but I would also see this option. I would even like to have an option of not serializing the message body at all. This is very useful for local only services to remove any overhead of serialization.