Open am-kram opened 6 years ago
You can use the sockJS bridge to support degradation.
About the regex, that's a good idea. Fancy a PR?
I will make a pr - i tested the regex functionality - it works but for some reason i am not receiving any messages when i send via a stomp client (even for a simplepath).
I see it receives the connection - but after that, the receivedHandler is never invoked. Is there a working example of stomp over sockjs websocket that you could point me to?
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
StompServer server = StompServer.create(vertx, new StompServerOptions()
.setPort(-1) // Disable the TCP port, optional
.setWebsocketBridge(true) // Enable the web socket support
.setWebsocketPath("/stomp")) // Configure the web socket path, /stomp by default
.handler(StompServerHandler.create(vertx).receivedFrameHandler(sf ->{
HttpServer http = vertx.createHttpServer(
new HttpServerOptions().setWebsocketSubProtocols("v10.stomp, v11.stomp")
I tried this as well - not seeing any messages
StompServer server = StompServer.create(vertx, new StompServerOptions()
.setPort(-1) // Disable the TCP port, optional
.setWebsocketBridge(true) // Enable the web socket support
.setWebsocketPath("/stomp")) // Configure the web socket path, /stomp by default
.handler(StompServerHandler.create(vertx).stompHandler(sf ->{
I also commented Basically, stomp over sockjs or just stomp over websocket seems hard to get it to work. I am trying to port a spring boot based stomp impl to vertx.
due to this - can't use stomp with sockjs as sock js adds: /stomp/<rand id 1>/<rand id 2>/websocket to the websocket url.
Additionally, there is no degradation of websocket to xhr supported.