Allow the mounting of sub-routers on patterns and pass the data to the sub-routers mounted on them.
Use cases
There are many use cases, one of which is being able to organise your code more, but this one is the most important I think:
This way it would be able to put your entire application in a "scope".
I'm creating an application that has different spaces, every space has its own data, but is functionally the same.
What I want to be able to do is the following:
val subRouter = Router.router(vertx)
subRouter.get("/get-all-data").handler { context ->
var client = getConnection(vertx)
val spaceDb = getDbForSpace(context.subRouterData?.get("space"))
val testSql = "SELECT * FROM $spaceDb.products"
client.preparedQuery(testSql).execute().onFailure { e ->
val errorResultString = "an error occurred: ${e.message}"
}.onSuccess { result: RowSet<Row> ->
val testResult = "$testSql produces ${result.size()} rows!"
mainRouter.route("/:space*").subRouter(addProductRouter) { ctx ->
ctx.insertSubRouterData("space", ctx.pathParam("space"))
This would be implemented along the lines of:
// This is a Kotlin extension function, but in Java, this would be placed inside the Route class
fun Route.subRouter(subRouter: Router, handler: (RoutingContext) -> Unit) {
this.handler { ctx ->
// execute provided handler
// pass the request handling to the sub-router
I do not have the required knowledge to properly implement this feature. But I think this would be a welcome addition to the platform.
Mount subRouters on patterns
Allow the mounting of sub-routers on patterns and pass the data to the sub-routers mounted on them.
Use cases
There are many use cases, one of which is being able to organise your code more, but this one is the most important I think:
This way it would be able to put your entire application in a "scope".
I'm creating an application that has different spaces, every space has its own data, but is functionally the same. What I want to be able to do is the following:
This would be implemented along the lines of:
I do not have the required knowledge to properly implement this feature. But I think this would be a welcome addition to the platform.