vertesy / ggExpress

ggExpress is the fastest way to create, annotate and and save plots in R.
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color argument in qhistogram is not working #23

Open vertesy opened 2 years ago

vertesy commented 2 years ago

Description color argument in qhistogram is not working

condiitions 2 and 3 seem nonsense: (prob from qbarplot)

  df[["colour"]] <- if (vline & filtercol != 0) {
    if (filtercol == 1 ) (df$"value" > vline) else if (filtercol == -1 ) (df$"value" < vline)
  } else if (length(col) == length(vec)) {
  } else {
    as.character(rep(col, length(vec))[1:length(vec)])