vertiginous / pik

Ruby version manager for Windows
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Feature request - Pik to inform if ruby version already installed #153

Closed iwx1 closed 10 years ago

iwx1 commented 10 years ago

Pik is great for windows.

Pik should be able to recognize if a ruby version is already added or installed.

Currently when we give command below pik install ruby 1.8 , it downloads the version even if it is already added.

Also, pik install ruby 1.9 installs 195 build. I think it is updated now.

rvm on Ubuntu gives a lot more.

Is it possible to choice different ruby build like I mean to say something like below

pik in ruby 1.8.7 -b 342

or is it possible to provide some url to pik in command?

like pik install ruby -url

it will be great to see such features.

Thanks a lot!! ~~ rahoolm

luislavena commented 10 years ago


As mentioned in #152, pik is no longer maintained and it is recommended switch to something else, like uru: