vertmac / designmodo-startup_framework-rails

A gem to integrate designmodo Startup Framework in Rails
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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header-9 less always fails #5

Closed a14m closed 7 years ago

a14m commented 10 years ago

when ever I try to @import '/startup-framework/ui-kit/ui-kit-header/less/header-9.less';

Unrecognised input
  (in /app/assets/stylesheets/my_style.less)

<%= stylesheet_link_tag    'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %>

even when trying to rails generate startup_framework:demo 16 ( which use header-9 ) it fails with the same error but in

Unrecognised input
  (in /app/assets/stylesheets/sample16.less)

<%= stylesheet_link_tag    'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %>

i've tried the other headers and non of them fails ?!

a14m commented 10 years ago

after much investigation in the issue the problem lies in this line

 @import url(;

I really don't have any idea on how to fix this... but removing this line made the error goes away and the template renders correctly ( almost )

benjaminathlan commented 9 years ago

Same for me...

@artmees I think this is due to the generator...

      def patch_assets
        @gem_assets_dir = File.expand_path("../../../../../app/assets/", __FILE__)

        #Replace fonts-path
        gsub_file File.join(@gem_assets_dir, @less_dir, "helper.less"), /\.\.\/fonts\//, "@{startup-basePath}common-files/fonts/"

        # replace all urls with asset urls with the exception of data urls
        Dir.glob("#{@gem_assets_dir}/#{@less_dir}/*.less") do |less_file|

          if less_file =~ /icon-font\.less\Z/
            gsub_file less_file, /url\((.+?)\)/, 'font-url(\\1)'
            gsub_file less_file, /url\((.+?)\)/, 'image-url(\\1)'

        Dir.glob("#{@gem_assets_dir}/#{@target_ui_kit}/**/*.less") do |ui_kit_less_file|
          #replace all files with the exception of price-common.less
          unless ui_kit_less_file =~ /price-common\.less\Z/
            gsub_file ui_kit_less_file, /url\((.+?)\)/, 'image-url(\\1)'

             Dir.glob("#{@gem_assets_dir}/demo/**/*.html") do |html_file|
                 # gsub_file html_file, /<img src="img\/.+?>/ do |s|
#              match = /img\/(.+?)"/.match(s)
#              '<%= image_tag "' + match[1] + '" %>'
#           end

         gsub_file html_file, /src=\"img\//, "src=\"/assets/img/"
         gsub_file html_file, %r(src="../../), "src=\"/assets/startup-framework/"

                 # Remove everything before <body> tag and after 'Load JS', inclusive
         new_file ="#{html_file}.erb", "w")
                 puts "Creating ERB files"
         include_line = false
         IO.foreach(html_file) do |line|
           include_line = false if line =~ /Placed at the end/

           new_file.write line if include_line

           include_line = true if line =~ /<body>/