verus-lang / verus

Verified Rust for low-level systems code
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Unexpected loc SpannedTyped #1197

Open maeiik opened 1 week ago

maeiik commented 1 week ago

I was trying to verify the following (minimized) program using Verus on the main branch (commit edb8f53):

use vstd::prelude::*;
verus! {
    fn proof_add_one(heap: &mut verus_heap::Heap, head: Option< verus_heap::Addr >) {
        *(verus_heap::cast::<i32>(verus_heap::heap_borrow(heap, head))) += 1 as i32;

    mod verus_heap {
        use vstd::prelude::*;
        pub struct Addr;
        pub struct Val;
        pub type Heap = Map< Addr, Val >;

        pub fn heap_borrow<'a>(heap: &'a Heap, key: Option<Addr>) -> (v: &'a Val) {

        pub fn cast<'a, T>(v: &'a Val) -> (r: &'a T)     {

    fn main();

Unfortunately, Verus panics when run with this example:

thread 'rustc' panicked at vir/src/
unexpected loc SpannedTyped { span: Span { raw_span: "ANY", id: 6, data: [15845129045879692381, 541165879484], as_string: " 4:72 (#0)" }, typ: Int(I(32)), x: Call(Fun(Static, FunX { path: PathX { krate: Some("foo44_minimal_failing"), segments: ["verus_heap", "cast"] } }, [Int(I(32))], [], Final), [SpannedTyped { span: Span { raw_span: "ANY", id: 5, data: [15845129045879692381, 648540061882], as_string: " 4:70 (#0)" }, typ: Decorate(Ref, Datatype(PathX { krate: Some("foo44_minimal_failing"), segments: ["verus_heap", "Val"] }, [], [])), x: Call(Fun(Static, FunX { path: PathX { krate: Some("foo44_minimal_failing"), segments: ["verus_heap", "heap_borrow"] } }, [], [], Final), [SpannedTyped { span: Span { raw_span: "ANY", id: 3, data: [15845129045879692381, 751619276979], as_string: " 4:63 (#0)" }, typ: Decorate(Ref, Datatype(PathX { krate: Some("vstd"), segments: ["map", "Map"] }, [Datatype(PathX { krate: Some("foo44_minimal_failing"), segments: ["verus_heap", "Addr"] }, [], []), Datatype(PathX { krate: Some("foo44_minimal_failing"), segments: ["verus_heap", "Val"] }, [], [])], [])), x: Var(VarIdent("heap", RustcId(2))) }, SpannedTyped { span: Span { raw_span: "ANY", id: 4, data: [15845129045879692381, 777389080761], as_string: " 4:69 (#0)" }, typ: Datatype(PathX { krate: Some("core"), segments: ["option", "Option"] }, [Datatype(PathX { krate: Some("foo44_minimal_failing"), segments: ["verus_heap", "Addr"] }, [], [])], []), x: Var(VarIdent("head", RustcId(4))) }]) }]) }

Our expectation for this example is that Verus would reject this program with a verification error, due to a possible overflow in function proof_add_one.

verus version:

  Version: 0.2024.06.26.c3dbf1c.dirty
  Profile: release
  Platform: macos_aarch64
  Toolchain: 1.76.0-aarch64-apple-darwin
maeiik commented 1 week ago


utaal commented 4 days ago

Thank you for the report. My first guess is that this is an unsupported feature (but we should be giving you a better error message). But let's diagnose.

What's the signature and body of verus_heap::cast?

maeiik commented 3 days ago

It's defined on line 12:

pub fn cast<'a, T>(v: &'a Val) -> (r: &'a T) {
utaal commented 3 days ago

Sorry I should have read the snippet more carefully.

I need to double check when I'm not on mobile, but I think this is an invalid program, but for a different reason: due to the assignment to an immutable reference. It's unfortunate (and indeed a bug) that we panic before we emit that error.

I have upcoming changes that should reduce the number of corner cases and make this better.