Note that it's possible to workaround this by assigning the functions to variables and then calling them. This works because it forces Verus to invoke the more flexible function trait based encoding machinery.
That is, everything below succeeds:
// normal versions
fn caller1(u: u64) -> u64 { 3 }
fn test1(x: u64) {
let f = caller1;
let y = f(x);
assert(call_ensures(caller1, (x,), y));
fn caller2(u: u64) -> u64
requires false
fn test2(x: u64) {
assume(call_requires(caller2, (x,)));
let f = caller2;
// trait versions
trait Tr : Sized {
fn f(self) -> Self;
fn test_ensures<T: Tr>(a: T) {
let f = T::f;
let b = f(a);
assert(call_ensures(T::f, (a,), b));
trait Tr2 : Sized {
fn g(self) -> Self
requires false;
fn test_requires<T: Tr2>(a: T) {
assume(call_requires(T::g, (a,)));
let g = T::g;
let b = g(a);
This fails verification in the annotated locations:
Note that it's possible to workaround this by assigning the functions to variables and then calling them. This works because it forces Verus to invoke the more flexible function trait based encoding machinery.
That is, everything below succeeds: