ververica / ververica-platform-playground

Instructions for getting started with Ververica Platform on minikube.
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Artifact section missing in the UI for the playground 2.1 branch #31

Closed danp11 closed 4 years ago

danp11 commented 4 years ago


I have followed but when I open the Ververica platform UI the "Artifacts" sections isn't displayed.

Could it be that the blob storage hasn't been registered properly?

Im on windows with minikube and all the pods starts correctly.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Regards Dan

knaufk commented 4 years ago

Hi Dan,

thank you for trying out Ververica Platform CE. Did you change any of the values files before installation, or did you simply run

Could you send me the content of http:///ui/config.json as well as the output of kubectl -n vvp get configmaps vvp-ververica-platform-config -o yaml?



danp11 commented 4 years ago

Hi and thanks for your reply. Ive removed minikube and installed everything again but still experience this problem.

http:///ui/config.json doesnt work and below is the output from the kubectl.

Thanks again,


PS C:\Windows\system32> kubectl -n vvp get configmaps vvp-ververica-platform-config -o yaml apiVersion: v1 data: application-prod-user.yaml: | spring: datasource: url: jdbc:sqlite:/vvp/data/vvp.db?journal_mode=WAL&synchronous=FULL&busy_timeout=10000 vvp: appmanager: cluster: kubernetes.artifact-fetcher.image-registry: kubernetes.artifact-fetcher.image-repository: vvp-artifact-fetcher kubernetes.artifact-fetcher.image-tag: 2.1.1 auth: enabled: false blobStorage: baseUri: s3://vvp s3: endpoint: http://minio.vvp.svc:9000 flinkDeploymentDefaults: registry: repository: flink globalDeploymentDefaults: | spec: state: RUNNING template: spec: resources: jobmanager: cpu: 0.5 memory: 1G taskmanager: cpu: 0.5 memory: 1G flinkConfiguration: state.backend: filesystem taskmanager.memory.managed.fraction: 0.0 # no managed memory needed for filesystem statebackend high-availability: vvp-kubernetes metrics.reporter.prom.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusReporter kubernetes: pods: annotations: '9249' 'true' license: acceptCommunityEditionLicense: true persistence: type: local platformKubernetesNamespace: vvp registry: ui: linkTemplates: metrics: http://localhost:3000/d/77Nra5XZz/flink-dashboard?var-deploymentId=<%= deploymentId %> kind: ConfigMap metadata: annotations: vvp vvp creationTimestamp: "2020-07-04T12:58:25Z" labels: Helm chart: ververica-platform-4.1.1 component: ververica-platform heritage: Helm release: vvp system: ververica-platform managedFields:

knaufk commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. Github swallowed part of the URL there. I meant http://<vvp-host>:<port>/ui/config.json. The configuration looks good otherwise.

danp11 commented 4 years ago

No worries! Here is the output from ui:

{"version":"2.1","server":{"endpoint":"/api/v1"},"platformKubernetesNamespace":"vvp","refreshMs":5000,"messageHideMs":3000,"dateFormat":"YYYY-MM-DD, HH:mm:ss","linkTemplates":{"flinkUi":"/flink-ui/v1/<%= namespace %>/jobs/<%= jobId %>/","metrics":"http://localhost:3000/d/77Nra5XZz/flink-dashboard?var-deploymentId=<%= deploymentId %>"},"licenseInformation":{"licensedTo":null,"isCommunityEdition":true,"expiresOn":null,"cpuQuotaType":"UNLIMITED","cpuQuota":null,"isTrial":null,"isNotForResale":null},"flinkVersions":["1.8","1.9","1.10"],"flinkImageTags":["1.10.0-stream1-scala_2.12","1.10.1-stream1-scala_2.12","1.8.2-stream1-scala_2.11","1.8.3-stream3-scala_2.11","1.9.0-stream1-scala_2.11","1.9.0-stream1-scala_2.12","1.9.1-stream2-scala_2.12","1.9.2-stream2-scala_2.12","1.9.3-stream1-scala_2.12"],"components":{"artifacts":{"enabled":true},"blobStorage":{"baseUri":"s3://vvp"},"logging":{"enabled":false},"metrics":{"enabled":true},"sql":{"enabled":false}},"extraConfig":null}

danp11 commented 4 years ago


knaufk commented 4 years ago

Ok, it seems that the side bar does not behave well with your screen resolution. If you scroll in the small section of the navigation bar that is scrollable, you should be able to find the "Artifacts" entry. We will improve the side bar in our upcoming release.

danp11 commented 4 years ago

Ok thanks. Now I found the scrollbar also so I can continue with the series :-)

knaufk commented 4 years ago

Great. Let us know if you run into problems.