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Mention original requester in now playing tweets #6

Open euricaeris opened 11 years ago

euricaeris commented 11 years ago

Not sure on how possible/worth doing it is, but it'd be cool if you could put the username of the guy/gal that originally requested a song in the 'Now Playing' tweets.

Obviously when people start using the site, songs will likely have more that one vote, so it would make sense (if this is a thing worth doing) to just use the original, or 'original plus others'.

That way people are getting shout outs from Twitter as well, so you'll get those extra retweets and regular voters for this alone.

Just my thoughts, anyways.

colons commented 11 years ago

This seems absolutely worth doing. And since we're already accounting for the hashtag in the shit-this-is-over-140-characters logic, should be very little actual work.

theshillito commented 11 years ago

I like the idea, but you have no idea how long some song titles are >_< would be very limited by space...

EDIT: Also, you can't really do it for one, and not anyone else, otherwise people will complain it's unfair...

euricaeris commented 11 years ago

Priority to the song title, of course. Just figured it'd be good to include, should there be space.

colons commented 11 years ago

Plenty of titles are already truncated in the current system. The unfairness thing stands, though.

theshillito commented 4 years ago

Well, tweets are much longer now, so this becomes easier. Also, maybe we can do something with Twitter Cards to highlight the first voter (which I think we do already, but nobody sees them as they are in reply to the @nkdsu tweet). Including an link related to a specific play (so twitter doesn't cache the card content) could work with this.

EDIT: And since we're talking about leaving Twitter at some point, including the first voter name in the card makes sense when we start getting non-twitter users

theshillito commented 1 year ago

I still would like to tweet out now playing tweets, so although this wouldn't be @ ing them any more, mentioning the requester by name in the tweet would be nice.