verygoodsecurity / vgs-collect-js

VGS Collect.js script loading module
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Taxpayer Identification Number #85

Open emetcalf-leadventure opened 1 month ago

emetcalf-leadventure commented 1 month ago

Expected Behavior

I would like to have an input field similar to SSN except it's the format of a TIN (XXX-XXXXXX).

Ideally I could pass to form.field a type="tin" and validations={['validTIN']}

Current Behavior

I can hide the value but the format is all numbers with dashes.

form.field("#tin", {
  maxLength: 9,
  inputMode: 'numeric',
  hideValue: true,
Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 11 33 57 AM

I can mask the value but then the value doesn't get hidden.

form.field("#tin", {
  inputMode: 'numeric',
  hideValue: true,
}).mask('999-999999', '*');
Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 11 35 16 AM Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 11 35 26 AM

Possible Solution

I could at least do this myself if hideValue: true worked when there is a mask.


Building a form that takes in TIN instead of SSN. It works with no dash but not as clear if the dash was present while inputing.

flor-master commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @emetcalf-leadventure unfortunately we don't have a native Tin field. I see your issue and as a quick solution - I can suggest using the SSN field with a mask
Link to the demo:

Code example:

const form = VGSCollect.create("tnt53vgq99h", "sandbox", (state) => {});

const tin = form
  .field("#tin", {
    name: "tin",
    type: "ssn",
    validations: [ ... ],
    placeholder: "Taxpayer identification numbers",
    mask: "999-999999",
    hideValue: false,
let hidden = false;

document.getElementById("show-hide-button").addEventListener("click", (e) => {

  hidden = !hidden;
    mask: "999-999999",
    hideValue: hidden,
emetcalf-leadventure commented 2 weeks ago

This is for TypeScript which has this issue that doesn't allow me to use mask as you are describing.