veryl-lang / veryl

Veryl: A Modern Hardware Description Language
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Generate SV code without comments #580

Closed saturn77 closed 3 months ago

saturn77 commented 3 months ago

The ability to generate documentation from the veryl code is extremely useful.

It would also be helpful to have an option to remove or strip away the comments that are in the veryl code when generating the SystemVerilog code. In cases where the veryl code is heavily documented, this would allow inspection of the SystemVerilog code in a plain format and make it easier to review the generated code.

This process to do this would simply be placing a "strip_comments" in the toml / veryl file as:

indent_width = 4
strip_comments = true 
dalance commented 3 months ago

Looks good. build may be more suitable because it relates code generation.

strip_comments = true
saturn77 commented 3 months ago

Yes, sounds good. Having the format as below makes more sense.

strip_comments = true

I also really like how the actual formatted code in the SystemVerilog mirrors the code formatting in Veryl. The only exception is in the case statement, but I can live with the way that it is now.

It would be nice to have an option, however.

For example

sv_case = column_case

Which would make this output code:

    always_ff @ (posedge clock) begin
        case (state)
            rx_IDLE : sample_counter <= CLOCKS_PER_BAUD / 2;
            rx_SHIFT: if ((sample_counter > 0)) begin
                sample_counter <= sample_counter - 1;
            end else begin
                sample_counter <= CLOCKS_PER_BAUD - 1;
            rx_LOAD: sample_counter <= 0;
            rx_DONE: sample_counter <= 0;

being transformed to this output code instead: (what I call column case)

    always_ff @ (posedge clock) begin
        case (state)
            rx_IDLE :  sample_counter <= CLOCKS_PER_BAUD / 2;
            rx_SHIFT:  if ((sample_counter > 0)) begin
                           sample_counter <= sample_counter - 1;
                       end else begin
                           sample_counter <= CLOCKS_PER_BAUD - 1;
            rx_LOAD:   sample_counter <= 0;
            rx_DONE:   sample_counter <= 0;
dalance commented 3 months ago

The column_case seems to be good too. I think it may be better that it is by default for both Veryl and generated SV.