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Summary of the ideas brought up on Telegram channel #7

Open NiftyKhee opened 3 years ago

NiftyKhee commented 3 years ago

It was said that the devs should bring the old way back and increase the price of gems to feed. At least by that way, more muse will be mined and as well more muse will be burnt. The purpose of this is to decrease the rate at which muse is mined and so as to make the muse circulation very hard to reach.

If the muse rewards are as it was before and as well the gem price increases, it'll make the muse burned increase a lot

I suggest this:

3 muse gem should be upped to 5 muse 5 muse gem should be upped to 9 muse 6 muse gem should be upped to 11 muse 13 muse gem should be upped to 18 muse 12 muse gem should be upped to 18 muse or scrapped

If this is done, the price of muse will be stable and as well, the rewards will be able to at least cover up for gas

Mining time The mining time was also talked about so as reduce the mining time to suit different players. It was suggested that the mining time gem should be three as follows:

Gem 1, 20 muse mining time reduce by 3 hrs Gem 2, 15 muse mining time reduce by 2 hrs Gem 3, 10 muse mining time reduced by 1 hrs

The following was said concerning accessories:

If accessories are added and it doesn't give a specific mining bonus, it's not gonna work cos what's the essence of beautifying the vNFT?

Concerning warzone:

The warzone as it stands, will only make more players leave cos most are not interested in leveling up and now you're saying if you don't update you NFT, it'll be open to attacks. It is only when the NFT is producing enough to cater some gas and at least that it'll be considered to update them

Instead of warzone, this was suggested:

There should be gems to temporarily upgrade your vNFT. For example A 10 muse gem should be able to add 10 levels for like 3 days and like that. If gems can't do that, this is what accessories should be for to give temporary power to the VNFTs. The purpose of accessories is to be able to do more than the expected of a VNFT that isn't updated.

Another member suggested this:

Other simple idea - allow rewards to accumulate over 2 days... This would at least allow a Level 10 to wait for 2 days (14MUSE) to take rewards which saves on gas

Talks about incentivised Liquidity pool.

We've told the devs to make the LP an incentivised pool so as to make the LP pool increase, they keep saying they want organic growth, how as the organic growth helped currently? Also snapshots of LP pool should be taken at random and give rare VNFTs (ones that cant die) to a certain LP holder maybe one with more than 500 muse in LP pool

This'll encourage more people to stake in LP pool cos as it stands the LP is not rewarding

That's all. Thanks.