Open sonofabear opened 9 years ago
There is a way to add field hints to a field through active admin:
f.input :featured_image, type: :file, hint: f.object.featured_image.present? \
? image_tag(f.object.featured_image.url(:thumb))
: content_tag(:span, "no featured image yet")
I'm using it to show a preview of the uploaded image. Would we still need this additional functionality if we added a hint to the fields? I guess I could see the components themselves having a tip or mini readme of some sort.
Why? Some fields require a bit of explanation as to what data we're looking for, or how this field might affect how the component looks/functions on the front end. I think it would be good to have an option when adding a field to the ruby code to have a way to enter optional helper text that would then trigger a "?" hover over on the admin interface. This would allow us to give the user a "tip", using this new "tool".