veselcraft / progman

A Clone of Program Manager from Windows 3.x
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Added minimized MDI child icons #7

Open TheMajorTechie opened 4 months ago

TheMajorTechie commented 4 months ago

Switched the base reliance on Windows Forms over to the MinimizeToIcon framework to make things a little more authentic to how Windows 3.x's Program Manager functions. This does however cause the .NET target framework to change from 3.5 to 4.8.

From issue #3, there was mention that there was some sort of issue with using the MDI forms wrapper. I don't know what that issue could've been either but the integration of that wrapper into the project went without much issue.

This is an extremely bare-bones implementation. It uses the default WinForms icon when minimized, and there is no text describing the icon either. Both of these may be implemented in the future. It's 2:30 AM and I did this in a sleep deprivation-fueled curiosity spiral. image