veselink1 / refl-cpp

Static reflection for C++17 (compile-time enumeration, attributes, proxies, overloads, template functions, metaprogramming).
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base class function reflected ? #10

Closed Milerius closed 4 years ago

Milerius commented 4 years ago


i have the following snippet:

#include "antara/gaming/core/safe.refl.hpp"
#include "antara/gaming/math/vector.hpp"

namespace antara::gaming::transform
    struct position_2d : public math::vec2f
        template<typename ... Args>
        position_2d(Args&& ...args) noexcept: math::vec2f(std::forward<Args>(args)...)


        decltype(auto) x()
            return math::vec2f::x();

        decltype(auto) y()
            return math::vec2f::y();

REFL_AUTO(type(antara::gaming::transform::position_2d), func(x), func(y))

I would like if possible to remove the x y function that i add to reflect correctly my base class

but when i try to invoke x() or y() without my trick it's not a valid pointer to member

It's possible to reflect base class functions ?

my full vector class which use mixins:

namespace antara::gaming::math
    template<class Unit, size_t Size, template<class> class...Mixins>
    class basic_vector : public Mixins<basic_vector<Unit, Size, Mixins...>> ...

        template<class, size_t, template<class> class...>
        class basic_vector;

        using sequence_type = std::make_index_sequence<Size>;

        template<class Res, size_t...Is>
        constexpr auto implicit_cast_to(std::index_sequence<Is...>) const noexcept
            return Res{std::get<Is>(data_)...};

        template<class Res, size_t...Is>
        constexpr auto explicit_cast_to(std::index_sequence<Is...>) const noexcept
            using NewUnit = typename Res::value_type;
            return Res{static_cast<NewUnit>(std::get<Is>(data_))...};

        template<class F, size_t...Is>
        constexpr basic_vector make_vec(F &&f, std::index_sequence<Is...>) const noexcept
            return {f(std::get<Is>(data_))...};

        template<class F, size_t...Is>
        constexpr basic_vector make_vec(F &&f, basic_vector const &rhs, std::index_sequence<Is...>) const noexcept
            return {f(std::get<Is>(data_), std::get<Is>(rhs.data_))...};

        template<class F, size_t...Is>
        constexpr void update_vec(F &&f, std::index_sequence<Is...>) noexcept
            (f(std::get<Is>(data_)), ...);

        template<class F, size_t...Is>
        constexpr void update_vec(F &&f, basic_vector const &rhs, std::index_sequence<Is...>) noexcept
            (f(std::get<Is>(data_), std::get<Is>(rhs.data_)), ...);

        constexpr Unit square_length(std::index_sequence<Is...>) const noexcept
            return (... + (std::get<Is>(data_) * std::get<Is>(data_)));

        template<class F, class Vec, size_t...Is>
        constexpr bool test_predicate(F &&f, Vec const &rhs, std::index_sequence<Is...>) const noexcept
            return (f(std::get<Is>(data_), std::get<Is>(rhs.data_)) && ...);

        std::array<Unit, Size> data_;
        using value_type = Unit;

        // Aggregate-like constructor
        template<class...Args, class = std::enable_if_t<
                std::conjunction_v<std::is_convertible<Args, Unit>...>
        constexpr basic_vector(Args...args) noexcept : data_{args...}

        constexpr basic_vector(Unit single_value) noexcept
            std::fill(begin(), end(), single_value);

        static constexpr auto scalar(Unit single_value) noexcept
            return basic_vector(single_value);

        constexpr Unit operator[](int i) const noexcept
        { return data_[i]; }

        constexpr Unit &operator[](int i) noexcept
        { return data_[i]; }

        template<size_t I>
        constexpr Unit get() const noexcept
            static_assert(I >= 0 && I < Size, "Index outside of bounds");
            return std::get<I>(data_);

        template<size_t I>
        constexpr Unit &get() noexcept
            static_assert(I >= 0 && I < Size, "Index outside of bounds");
            return std::get<I>(data_);

        constexpr Unit *data() noexcept
        { return; }

        constexpr Unit const *data() const noexcept
        { return; }

        constexpr int size() const noexcept
        { return Size; }

        constexpr auto begin() noexcept
        { return data_.begin(); }

        constexpr auto begin() const noexcept
        { return data_.begin(); }

        constexpr auto end() noexcept
        { return data_.end(); }

        constexpr auto end() const noexcept
        { return data_.end(); }

        // Implicit cast
        template<class NewUnit, template<class> class...NewMixins>
        constexpr operator basic_vector<NewUnit, Size, NewMixins...>() const noexcept
            static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<Unit, NewUnit>, "Impossible cast from [value_type] to [NewUnit]");
            return implicit_cast_to<basic_vector<NewUnit, Size, NewMixins...>>(sequence_type{});

        // Explicit cast
        template<class Vec>
        constexpr Vec to() const noexcept
            using NewUnit = typename Vec::value_type;
            static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<Unit, NewUnit>,
                          "Impossible cast from [value_type] to [Vec::value_type]");
            return explicit_cast_to<Vec>(sequence_type{});

        constexpr basic_vector operator+(Unit b) const noexcept
            return make_vec([b](Unit a) { return a + b; }, sequence_type{});

        constexpr basic_vector operator-(Unit b) const noexcept
            return make_vec([b](Unit a) { return a - b; }, sequence_type{});

        constexpr basic_vector operator*(Unit b) const noexcept
            return make_vec([b](Unit a) { return a * b; }, sequence_type{});

        constexpr basic_vector operator/(Unit b) const noexcept
            return make_vec([b](Unit a) { return a / b; }, sequence_type{});

        constexpr basic_vector operator+(basic_vector const &rhs) const noexcept
            return make_vec([](Unit a, Unit b) { return a + b; }, rhs, sequence_type{});

        constexpr basic_vector operator-(basic_vector const &rhs) const noexcept
            return make_vec([](Unit a, Unit b) { return a - b; }, rhs, sequence_type{});

        constexpr basic_vector operator*(basic_vector const &rhs) const noexcept
            return make_vec([](Unit a, Unit b) { return a * b; }, rhs, sequence_type{});

        constexpr basic_vector operator/(basic_vector const &rhs) const noexcept
            return make_vec([](Unit a, Unit b) { return a / b; }, rhs, sequence_type{});

        constexpr basic_vector &operator+=(Unit b) noexcept
            update_vec([b](Unit &a) { a += b; }, sequence_type{});
            return *this;

        constexpr basic_vector &operator-=(Unit b) noexcept
            update_vec([b](Unit &a) { a -= b; }, sequence_type{});
            return *this;

        constexpr basic_vector &operator*=(Unit b) noexcept
            update_vec([b](Unit &a) { a *= b; }, sequence_type{});
            return *this;

        constexpr basic_vector &operator/=(Unit b) noexcept
            update_vec([b](Unit &a) { a /= b; }, sequence_type{});
            return *this;

        constexpr basic_vector &operator+=(basic_vector const &rhs) noexcept
            update_vec([](Unit &a, Unit b) { a += b; }, rhs, sequence_type{});
            return *this;

        constexpr basic_vector &operator-=(basic_vector const &rhs) noexcept
            update_vec([](Unit &a, Unit b) { a -= b; }, rhs, sequence_type{});
            return *this;

        constexpr basic_vector &operator*=(basic_vector const &rhs) noexcept
            update_vec([](Unit &a, Unit b) { a *= b; }, rhs, sequence_type{});
            return *this;

        constexpr basic_vector &operator/=(basic_vector const &rhs) noexcept
            update_vec([](Unit &a, Unit b) { a /= b; }, rhs, sequence_type{});
            return *this;

        constexpr basic_vector operator-() const noexcept
            return make_vec([](Unit x) { return -x; }, sequence_type{});

        constexpr Unit square_length() const noexcept
            return square_length(sequence_type{});

        constexpr Unit length() const noexcept
            return std::sqrt(square_length());

        constexpr basic_vector normalized() const noexcept
            return *this / length();

        template<class NewUnit, template<class> class...NewMixins>
        constexpr bool operator==(basic_vector<NewUnit, Size, NewMixins...> const &rhs) const noexcept
            return test_predicate([](Unit a, Unit b) { return a == b; }, rhs, sequence_type{});

        template<class NewUnit, template<class> class...NewMixins>
        constexpr bool operator!=(basic_vector<NewUnit, Size, NewMixins...> const &rhs) const noexcept
            return !(*this == rhs);

        template<class NewUnit, template<class> class...NewMixins>
        constexpr bool operator<(basic_vector<NewUnit, Size, NewMixins...> const &rhs) const noexcept
            return test_predicate([](Unit a, Unit b) { return a < b; }, rhs, sequence_type{});

        template<class NewUnit, template<class> class...NewMixins>
        constexpr bool operator>=(basic_vector<NewUnit, Size, NewMixins...> const &rhs) const noexcept
            return !(*this < rhs);

        template<class NewUnit, template<class> class...NewMixins>
        constexpr bool operator>(basic_vector<NewUnit, Size, NewMixins...> const &rhs) const noexcept
            return rhs < *this;

        template<class NewUnit, template<class> class...NewMixins>
        constexpr bool operator<=(basic_vector<NewUnit, Size, NewMixins...> const &rhs) const noexcept
            return !(rhs < *this);

    namespace vector_mixins
        template<class Derived>
        class access_xy
            constexpr auto x() const noexcept
            { return static_cast<Derived const *>(this)->template get<0>(); }

            constexpr auto &x() noexcept
            { return static_cast<Derived *>(this)->template get<0>(); }

            constexpr auto y() const noexcept
            { return static_cast<Derived const *>(this)->template get<1>(); }

            constexpr auto &y() noexcept
            { return static_cast<Derived *>(this)->template get<1>(); }

        template<class Derived>
        class access_z
            constexpr auto z() const noexcept
            { return static_cast<Derived const *>(this)->template get<2>(); }

            constexpr auto &z() noexcept
            { return static_cast<Derived *>(this)->template get<2>(); }

    template<class Unit>
    using vec2 = basic_vector<Unit, 2, vector_mixins::access_xy>;

    using vec2c   = vec2<char>;
    using vec2uc  = vec2<unsigned char>;
    using vec2s   = vec2<short>;
    using vec2us  = vec2<unsigned short>;
    using vec2i   = vec2<int>;
    using vec2u   = vec2<unsigned>;
    using vec2l   = vec2<long>;
    using vec2ul  = vec2<unsigned long>;
    using vec2ll  = vec2<long long>;
    using vec2ull = vec2<unsigned long long>;
    using vec2f   = vec2<float>;
    using vec2d   = vec2<double>;
    using vec2ld  = vec2<long double>;

    template<class Unit>
    using vec3 = basic_vector<Unit, 3, vector_mixins::access_xy, vector_mixins::access_z>;

    using vec3c   = vec3<char>;
    using vec3uc  = vec3<unsigned char>;
    using vec3s   = vec3<short>;
    using vec3us  = vec3<unsigned short>;
    using vec3i   = vec3<int>;
    using vec3u   = vec3<unsigned>;
    using vec3l   = vec3<long>;
    using vec3ul  = vec3<unsigned long>;
    using vec3ll  = vec3<long long>;
    using vec3ull = vec3<unsigned long long>;
    using vec3f   = vec3<float>;
    using vec3d   = vec3<double>;
    using vec3ld = vec3<long double>;

namespace std {

    template<class Unit, size_t Size, template<class> class...Mixins>
    struct tuple_size<antara::gaming::math::basic_vector<Unit, Size, Mixins...>> : integral_constant<size_t, Size> {};

    template <size_t I, class Unit, size_t Size, template<class> class...Mixins>
    struct tuple_element<I, antara::gaming::math::basic_vector<Unit, Size, Mixins...>> { using type = Unit; };
veselink1 commented 4 years ago

That is known behavior and is expected. Your access_xy defined two x and y member functions with different const-qualifiers. So the question is which one you would like to reflect. By shadowing the definitions of the two functions, the visible x and y are not const-qualified and that is why it is possible to resolve to a singular function pointer.

Maybe it would be possible for me to suggest a better solution if I had more information about the use case. What would you do with the function pointers? Are they being stored somewhere? Why is function_descriptor#operator() or even refl::runtime::invoke() not sufficient? Both will correctly invoke the proper overload.

Milerius commented 4 years ago

Yeah renaming solved my problem totally !

Milerius commented 4 years ago

It's because of the const qualifier the scripting system where i was registering type was thinking i try to register a null pointer to member

veselink1 commented 4 years ago

Yes, adding a get/set prefix is another viable solution. I am glad you've resolved the issue!