veskuh / Tweetian

A feature-rich Twitter app for smartphones developed using Qt/QML
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Move Retweet item above Reply in pulldown #136

Closed CODeRUS closed 10 years ago

veskuh commented 10 years ago

Not sure about this, I retweet more often then I reply so I kinda like the way it is.. But that's just me.. Would be nice to get couple of comments what people prefer..

siteshwar commented 10 years ago

@CODeRUS Why do you want to change ordering of retweet and reply items ?

CODeRUS commented 10 years ago

@veskuh good point, tweeted link :) @siteshwar because i'm using reply often than retweet. When retweeting i never open tweet page and using combobox menu

kimmoli commented 10 years ago

I prefer them as they are now (as i know what is where) But there is some discrepancy, even order is the same: Combo opens downwards from the tweet, reply is first choice, in tweetpage pulldown it opens from up, retweet is first choice.

Morpog commented 10 years ago

It depends on the day :) I'm fine with both orderings, but as kimmoli already said it should be same ordering in combobox and pulley.

siteshwar commented 10 years ago

My vote goes to consistency too ;)

veskuh commented 10 years ago

Ok, so I guess constancy is good and thus this will make things better.

Vistaus commented 10 years ago

I'm all in with veskuh's original comment: I retweet a lot so I'm used to Tweetian having RT below Reply. Which is how I like it.

Vistaus commented 10 years ago

Can't you at least make it a setting? So that people can choose whether they want RT or Reply below? I'm not updating to the next version if it's not at least an option to choose the old behaviour.

veskuh commented 10 years ago

No. We are not making settings for every little detail.

Vistaus commented 10 years ago

But that's unfair. At least 3 people here said they liked the old behaviour while only two said they wanted a change and one didn't care. So it's not like there was a majority in favor of this. It was a tie at best. So the fair thing to do would be to at least make the old behaviour an option or re-run the 'vote' (as far as you can call it a vote).

CODeRUS commented 10 years ago

Can you explain why it so much important for you? Why you cant use context menu or drag one item more? Or fast drag and click on item you want? Why?

Vistaus commented 10 years ago

I don't ever use the context menu and fast drag and click is slow and most of all defeats the whole purpose of the pulley menu. I'm using the pulley menu because it's easy and fast to use, esp. when you know where the menu options are. In this case RT is below Reply, which makes it a very fast way to RT a tweet. I use Tweetian for it's fast navigation (which includes RT'ing), otherwise I might as well use Jolla's feed or the mobile twitter website. The first option is the easiest to hit with a pulley menu, so it's nice to have the first option be the most used one. I use RT more than Reply, and a few other people in the comments here said the same.

CODeRUS commented 10 years ago

"I don't ever use the context menu" < thats enough for me to make a decision :)