Fix for #6 . I made a checklist of harbour requirements and completed following items :
You have to use the prefix "harbour-" in front of the application name. Only lower case characters are allowed. - DONE
the executable binary: /usr/bin/$NAME - DONE
the .desktop file: /usr/share/applications/$NAME.desktop - DONE
the icon: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/86x86/apps/$NAME.png - DONE
the folder in /usr/share where you can install other application files: /usr/share/$NAME - DONE
The rpm package name, note that is not necessarily the same as the RPM file name!
The name you get with:
rpm -q --queryformat='%{NAME}\n' -p harbour-awesomeapp-1.0.0.armv7hl.rpm
That is what is set in .spec resp. .yaml file under "Name: "
Your own QML imports resp. modules, but with "-" replaced with "." due to QML grammar rules. e.g import harbour.myawesomeapp.MyQmlModule 1.0 as MyModule - DONE
Subfolders you create under any $XDG_CACHE_HOME, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $XDG_DATA_HOME folder for your application e.g. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/$NAME. Do not create the subfolder in the rpm package, create it during run time from the application! See also the XDG Base Directory Specification. - DONE
But I am not sure whether we can satisify all the requirements of using only specifiec QML packages and shared libraries.
Fix for #6 . I made a checklist of harbour requirements and completed following items :
But I am not sure whether we can satisify all the requirements of using only specifiec QML packages and shared libraries.