vesoft-inc / nebula-dashboard

Nebula Graph Service Monitor Tool
Apache License 2.0
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port mapping issue when deploying with docker compose #70

Open abby-cyber opened 2 years ago

abby-cyber commented 2 years ago


wey-gu commented 2 years ago

sorry, I will look into it later.

wey-gu commented 2 years ago

I just tested it's working, plz ensure you are following the guide under

wey-gu commented 2 years ago

I see, you are using other conf files, I had put those working with the compose file under playground, please ensure they are there sitting together with the compose file:

~/nebula-dashboard/playground$ tree -l -I "data|logs"
├── Dockerfile
├── dashboard.config
├── docker-compose-dev.yaml
├── docker-compose-nebula-graph.yaml
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── nebula-http-gateway.conf  #<---------
├── nebula-stats-exporter.yaml
├── prometheus.yaml
└── uploads
~/nebula-dashboard/playground$ head nebula-http-gateway.conf
appname = nebula-http-gateway
httpport = 8080 #<------------
httpaddr =
runmode = dev
autorender = false
copyrequestbody = true
sessionkey = "dashboard-nsid"