vesoft-inc / nebula-java

Client API and data importer of Nebula Graph in Java
Apache License 2.0
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The performance of using java api to query nebula is weaker than that of nebula console #514

Closed neojoe closed 1 year ago

neojoe commented 1 year ago

I installed nebulagraph on the server with docker Server configuration: cpu 16v, memory 128g, 150G ESSD cloud disk Execute the same query logic nebula console: MATCH p = allShortestPaths((a:point{name:"13644:5"})-[e*..7]-(b:point{name:"5119:1"})) RETURN p; The query time is about 700ms image

While using the nebula java api to execute the same logic, it takes 65s image

May I ask what is the reason

Nicole00 commented 1 year ago

你对比下两种语言的latency, latency是服务端的执行时间 你上面提到的700ms是latency, 65s是java client的请求响应时间。 console中的请求响应时间是4m17.xxxs

QingZ11 commented 1 year ago

@neojoe 这个 issue 超过一个月没有更新内容了,这边先行关闭了。如果你有任何更新的内容,可以再打开这个 issue 哈。

谢谢你的反馈 😊