vesoft-inc / nebula

A distributed, fast open-source graph database featuring horizontal scalability and high availability
Apache License 2.0
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Could not yield variable results now #2633

Open yixinglu opened 3 years ago

yixinglu commented 3 years ago


(root@nebula) [nba]> go from "Tim Duncan" Over like where like.likeness > 90 yield $$;
| $$  |
| "Manu Ginobili" |
| "Tony Parker"   |
Got 2 rows (time spent 6663/7014 us)

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 15:40:02 CST

(root@nebula) [nba]> $var = go from "Tim Duncan" Over like where like.likeness > 90 yield $$; yield $var;

| $var |
|      |
Got 1 rows (time spent 7044/7380 us)

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 15:39:41 CST


(root@nebula) [nba]> go from "Tim Duncan" Over like where like.likeness > 90 yield $$ AS names | with collect($-.names) as v return v;
| v                                |
| ["Manu Ginobili", "Tony Parker"] |
Got 1 rows (time spent 5984/6363 us)

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 15:42:21 CST

(root@nebula) [nba]> $var = go from "Tim Duncan" Over like where like.likeness > 90 yield $$; with collect($var) as v return v;
| v  |
| [] |
Got 1 rows (time spent 8720/9189 us)

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 15:41:52 CST
Shylock-Hg commented 3 years ago

The input of match should disabled in vesoft-inc/nebula-graph#1196

Shylock-Hg commented 3 years ago

Yield variable should be disabled too. In above, the result contains the dataset, but console don't display the dataset in cell.