Open kkraune opened 3 years ago
Is there any way we can perform a yql search query by boosting a term like in lucene.
@107dipan yes, multiple ways to accomplish this
"query": "jakarta!400 apache",
"type": "any",
"yql": "select * from sources * where userQuery()",
"ranking.profile": "someprofile-with-nativerank"
The above will weight the term jakarta 4x more than the term apache (default term weight is 100) but you need a ranking profile which uses nativeRank
You can also adjust weights via YQL annotations and use YQL only:
"yql": "select * from sources * where (default contains "apache" OR default contains ([{"weight": 400}]"jakarta"));",
"ranking.profile": "someprofile-with-nativerank"
Also there is the rank query operator which allows you to retrieve using one set of terms and produce ranking features by others which does not impact recall but only precision. In the below example we retrieve documents with apache and produce matching ranking features for the term jakarta.
"yql": "select * from sources * where rank(default contains "apache", default contains ([{"weight": 400}]"jakarta"));",
"ranking.profile": "someprofile-with-nativerank"
Great!! What about Fuzzy search and proximity search for string fields?
See on Fuzzy. Proximity see onear/near in the YQL doc @107dipan
Thanks a lot!
@107dipan Did you want to give it a shot to write a query translator or just general interest?
I am planning on writing the query translator. Wanted to map different lucene functionalities with equivalent vespa yql before starting.
Great! Keep us posted @107dipan if you have questions.
Hi @jobergum ,
Does "query": "jakarta!400 apache",
still work if I am using a hybrid rank profile, say, as defined below-
with app.syncio(connections=1) as session:
query = "How Fruits and Vegetables Can Treat Asthma?"
response:VespaQueryResponse = session.query(
yql="select * from sources * where title contains \"vegetable\" and rank({targetHits:1000}nearestNeighbor(embedding,q), userQuery()) limit 5",
body = {
"input.query(q)": f"embed({query})"
The query
parameter accepts the simple query language and jakarta!400 lucene
will add 400 weight to the term jakarta
(default is 100) - but, the term weight is not used in all text ranking features. It is used in nativeRank
, nativeFieldMatch
, but not in bm25
So the answer is, yes, you can pass weights using the simple query language, but how it impacts ranking, depends on which text ranking features you are using.
Hi, just checking if a query translator was added. We'd like to move from Elasticsearch to Vespa and any tools to do this would be helpful.
Sorry, no translator in public domain yet. We know of several teams have created this and are trying to get them to open source ...
some kind of helper tool that translates from an Elasticsearch / Solr / Lucene query to YQL / query API, possibly combined with supporting documentation in - this will make it easier to do apples-to-apples comparisons for users doing evaluations